anybody watch CSI last night?



I missed the ending........did anyone see it? can you tell me what happened? was the sister involved?
thanks :D
yes he killed the pregant girl then his sister gave her baby, she also went by the name "libby"
Thanks Sam..........oh Libby was the waitress, so that was his sister ok.....

great thanks a lot Sam........ :D
your welcome. I love that show. have you heard that they are going to do a NY version?
ya I love that show too..........and CSI Miami too........and without a trace.....haven't really gotten into cold case.......
and yes I heard about the new york one, bet that is going to be good too....can't wait :D
Dangit, I knew I shouldn't have peeked at this thread...taped it last night and plan on watching tonight....well I have Without A Trace and Survivor to look forward to! :cuckoo:
Originally posted by dupont4me@Apr 2 2004, 09:05 PM
Dangit, I knew I shouldn't have peeked at this thread...taped it last night and plan on watching tonight....well I have Without A Trace and Survivor to look forward to! :cuckoo:
Watch it anyway.....dang good show!
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