anybody who's had a teen.....


Admin & Resident Techie
Staff member
Oct 18, 2005
Ft Worth Tx
should know this look.

Those who have young kids, get used to it :D

After 2 hours of cable sorting and room rearranging...

I need 2 more of the storage bins and to get the table out and I should be pretty good.
I had six children

No way in hell I would EVER allow such a mess in my home!! The parents are just as responsible for that mess as the child...
Betsy :rolleyes:
well, went back and got 2 more bins..for 6 total. LOOKS much better. How i'm going to get aquanted with telling.
No way in hell I would EVER allow such a mess in my home!! The parents are just as responsible for that mess as the child...
Betsy :rolleyes:
the floor was mostly clean. Just everything in my closest was in boxes and tangled together....
ok, now 5 hours after i started....(assuming the images eventually uplink)

Mag, are you sure your name isn't Jeremy Duncan? If you aren't familiar with that name, it's the name of a 15 year old in the comic strip "Zits".
Mag, are you sure your name isn't Jeremy Duncan? If you aren't familiar with that name, it's the name of a 15 year old in the comic strip "Zits".
didnt know the name, but zits is my favorite comic strip :D
Well, it looks better than it did this morning.

Just gotta finish up the closet part, and I can start on the entertainment center/bookshelf.

Overall, i'm trying to tame and consense my room down so that it will be easier to take stuff to college without taking a whole truck and trailer.....and without taking up a whole lot of space in the dorm. Considering i'll have 2 desktops, 3 monitors, a TV, a mini fridge, and no telling what else.

Operation: Room Sweep

My room was just declared a Federal Disaster Area.
My room is 14x7, including closet space.

Every inch of it is covered right now.
Haha wow that looks like my room! Well not quite as bad, I can actually find the floor in most spots :p
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