anyone can drive in todays world


Staff member
Mar 8, 2002
Murray, Kentucky
after i was driving home and was allmost run off the road. she was on my ass like she was drafting me cut me and the car off that was in the orther lane. she was cutting everone off was driveing down 641 going at least 80.

the today some dude was on my ass. on a cell phone, eathing chips and drinking a beer. tryed to pass me where on side of the 4 lane is clouse and it goes to a 2 lane road. tryed to pass me before it goes in to a 2 lane.

i know my drving is not grate but i sure as hell drive better then them ppl.
Got insurance and a good valid license?

Break check the fools. Get a new car every year that way for free.
other than the "brake check", my favorite thing to do is just let off the acellerator, start slowing down. Then when they make fools of themselves and roar by, let them go with a smile and continue forward.

I gave up on road rage a LONG time ago- cuz ya never know how many guns are in that vehicle and I like living.

Patience, yungun, is a VIRTUE to be greatly admired.PURRRRRRRRRRRRR
Originally posted by gmcbreadtrk
Got insurance and a good valid license?  

Break check the fools. Get a new car every year that way for free.

i have thought about doing, and i relly wanted to do it to the guy drinking the beer.
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