Anyone going to watch?


DE Wrangler 2

The President's's on right now (8pm Eastern, 5 pm Pacific).
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
The President's's on right now  (8pm Eastern, 5 pm Pacific).
I know what he wants,and he has my blessing.;)
Bla bla bla...don't know why he feels he needs to concince me. I support what he wants to do, just a pity that lily-livered Europeans don't.
Originally posted by Lap3Forever
what did i  miss i started listing to music  

"Give Me Fule............."(dont know the rest of that)

Abooja copied and pasted the complete song yesterday on a post. Think it was in NASCAR chat.
Thanks so much, DE! I would have completely forgotten about that.

I missed the first few minutes, but what I saw sounded great to me. I appreciated that the gravity of his voice matched the gravity of the subject matter. Too many people think he's just a happy warmonger. :rolleyes:

Paul, the president never just speaks for the American audience. Pretty much everyone in the world was listening tonight. His only real obstacle these days is the rest of the world. Luckily, from the sounds of it, we're going in with or without their blessings.
It's about to get very very ugly on planet Earth.

God help us all.
It's already pretty ugly on planet earth 71........and it's not going to get any better until something changes. It's time to start the change.
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
It's already pretty ugly on planet earth 71........and it's not going to get any better until something changes.  It's time to start the change.

Here here.
Lets roll,I say.If we don't 9/11 gonna look like a squirt gun attack.
Anyone want one of these? Just got them in the mail this evening. They are stickers.:)

Damn.......forgot to attach it.......!!:(
I was pretty impressed by his speech. I didn't realize exactly how dangerous Iraq has become. This is some pretty scary stuff. I knew they were dangerous, but some of the stats he gave were mind-boggleing. Saddam has got to die this time. No doubt about it.

:2gunsfiri :awing: :2gunsfiri :awing: :soldier:
If we could get a few commies out of Congress, this would already have been a done deal. Nuke 'em. Repeatedly. These madmen carry on their rhetoric and defy every act of human decency because they know full well that some liberal twit will cause enough delay in the American response that they can tuck tail and hide. Take Daschale out too. Obstructionist politics is treason in times of war IMO. He wants to give them every chance? Go over there and get started on that for us there Tommy boy. Oh, and those air raid sirens you hear? Just ignore them.

I feel compassion for the Iraqi and Afghani people. More than they felt for our people 13 months ago at least. But I have seen no evidence that they do not support their leader. WE are the ones showing evidence of not supporting our leader.

I'll say it again. Nuke 'em.
Originally posted by TN-Ward-Fan
If we could get a few commies out of Congress, this would already have been a done deal.  Nuke 'em.  Repeatedly.  These madmen carry on their rhetoric and defy every act of human decency because they know full well that some liberal twit will cause enough delay in the American response that they can tuck tail and hide.  Take Daschale out too.  Obstructionist politics is treason in times of war IMO.  He wants to give them every chance?  Go over there and get started on that for us there Tommy boy.  Oh, and those air raid sirens you hear?  Just ignore them.  

I feel compassion for the Iraqi and Afghani people.  More than they felt for our people 13 months ago at least.  But I have seen no evidence that they do not support their leader.  WE are the ones showing evidence of not supporting our leader.  

I'll say it again.  Nuke 'em.

Very well said TWF...Especially the part about obstructionist politics being treason in time of war. Dude, that was right on. I can't believe even Democrats would think of how to win politically in a time when it is so vital for Americans to unite. Well, yeah I can with their recent history.
These are the same people who danced in the streets when they heard about the events of 9-11.
I usually do NOT get into political issues on a forum, now with friends. BUT

The US needs desperately to stop coddling and rescuing the rest of the planet.
We were stupid enough to supply Saddam with the weapons that he is now threatening us with, among others.
Our "allies" Saudi Arabia and Pakistan helped Osama with his terror.

I, personally, don't believe nuclear war is the answer, BUT BOMB THE HELL OUT OF SADDAMN.

AND the the so called "United Nations" step up to the plate too!!

Remember, it was the anniversary last week of the Cuban Missle Crisis when JFK backed off the USSR.

I want PEACE, but not at the expense of the USA.

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