Anyone got Cingular?


Staff member
Mar 8, 2002
Murray, Kentucky
i was wondering if the "superhome Gsm plan" if i call from my calling area to, AL, VA, ect was a free call? or charged me long distance?

it says my plane has Nation Wide Long Distance, but what is that?

ahhhhh i wish i never got a damn cell phone with a 2 year contract...

**not been charged for any of that yet, but did not know if it was free for like the 1st few months**
I've got cingular, but I never have been charged for any long distance. I hardly make any long distance calls, but when I do I use my cell phone. I don't even have a long distance carrier on my land line.
I've had Cingular for years (before, it was Bell South, but they sold it to Cingular) and I've never been charged for a LD call...just the minutes.

I also have the "Rollover Minutes" plan where if you don't use all your plan minutes, they roll over to the next month!
Cutie and I have Cingular. There are never any long distance's a fact, they are totally free. :) And as a side, Cingular has better cell coverage than Nextel in this area..........I find myself using my personal Cingular phone a lot at work........the stupid Nextel either doesn't have signal at all or so poor quality that it's constantly breaking up. And don't get me going on the direct connect one minute and doesn't the next. And thats where I'm looking at full bars on the signal meter. :(
thanks guys, i was just wonder because there was a LD and Cingular LD spot on my bill, and listed calls but did not charge me.
I have Cingular got roll over min. and have never been charged LD.
Lappy, I'm not sure what plan we have (not sure if we have the roll over minutes or not.........cutie pays the bills so maybe she can answer that) but I've had Cingular since Pacific Bell sold out to them about 4 years ago. I've never had a long distance charge. I don't think it matters what plan you have for that part. :)
Lapster, I have the "rollover" plan and it costs $40 a month here in GA. Well worth it cuz I used to spend at least $100 a month just on LD.
Cell phones are tools of Satan. If I were you,I'd toss that thing in the ditch.
Have one, but my service is thru Sprint. I have never paid ANY long distance charges!
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