Anyone know how to burn a CD?



Okay,I borrowed my nephew's cd.He downloaded it on my computer.I would love to burn it to a cd.Would sound awesome in my car! Can anyone help?Thanks in advance.

I don't have a cd burner will have to borrow my brothers.

Paul, Shane4100 (nephew) couldn't get on the board yesterday b/c he forgot his password.He's gonna try again later.I wasn't much help.So kinda keep an eye out for him.Thanks.
If a Dixie Chicks c.d:lighter fluid works best.Ronson will do but zippo makes a cleaner flame.For all other c.d's,I really have no idea but a lot of folks on here should be able to help you,Fourisis. :)
You need cd burning software like Nero or EZCD Creator. Do a google for them, I prefer Nero.
I use Roxio Easy CD Creator 5 to burn CD's though I usually just burn data backups. I'm not sure if there is a free trial download available or not. Paul did mention to popular applications.
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