Anyone looking forward to Phoenix?

The sprint cup race will be different. You wont see that much tandem due to more changes the sprint cup car got. At least I think they got more

The title of this thread is "Anyone Looking Forward to Phoenix". Maybe you should look into changing yer meds, SHGR! :D

In a word (or two), HELLS YES!!!!

He said is anyone looking forward to Phoenix because basically they are tired of Daytona, so no meds for me! :p
This. Lot's of racing left before they ever get on to Phoenix and I'll be enjoying every minute of it.

Agreed 100% 500 should be interesting for sure!

I am looking forward to Phoenix though and Vegas and Bristol and Fontana and Martinsville and .....well you get the point......I hope?
Heck, I just left Phoenix Fri morning headed for Gainesville Fl, and now I'm sitting in Houston Tx waiting to watch the Daytona 500 tomorrow. When I leave here I should meet most of the teams somewhere around Louisiana, Mississippi, or Alabama. I will watch the phoenix race from Florida.:)
Thank's ted... Texas just raised the speed limit to 80 mph all the way from El Paso to San Antonio, and 75 mph from San Antonio to Houston. It used to be 70 daytime and 65 at night. The Nascar boys are going to love this.:)

Wow , what does that do to the gas mileage ?
Wow , what does that do to the gas mileage ?
This truck will usually average 5.5 to 6 mpg unless there is a real hard head or side wind, and then it falls to about 4.5 mpg. Fuel was around $4.00 a gallon credit card price all the way across the western states. We had better get back on topic.:)
Yes! I'm looking forward to it. Think some of the best racing the last couple years had been there especially when they first brought out the COT.
I am, but don't act like there won't be complaining because we find something to complain about every week because nothing makes anyone happy it seems.
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