Anyone seen this?

Backward masking in rock music was a hot topic---20 years ago. I could tell stories for hours about what it was like to be a 17 year old headbanger in the heart of the Bible belt when this whole backward stuff first got going. I won't bore you.

It's a crock.
On another forums site we were talking about this. It's interesting and all, but some of them I really don't know how they can come up with anything playing them snogs backwards ... and the people that do must have a big imagination and a lot of time on their hands.
Very interestink, but... :)

Hey, I listened to each one of them and if I hadn't had what was printed in front of me, I'd have not idea what was being said. Here's something to think about. When I was a teenager, there was this song, Louie, Louie, perhaps you've heard of it, that even though it wasn't played backwards, people still had a hard time trying to decide what was being said. I only wonder how many songs and parts of songs were gone over and over just to find these examples. Ain't life a hoot? :)
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