Anyone Watching This Jackson Interview?

Here's a 40 year old man who really wants to be Peter Pan. What a freak and I'm glad I didn't watch it.
My daughter wanted to watch it.


The gotta stop letting that guy (??) have kids.
I think the scariest part was him saying every child needs a 44 year old man in their beds or something to that effect. And he doesn't get why people don't trust him with their children.

I didn't catch all of it, but did anyone hear if he denied having surgery? They showed it on the clip and since I am weird I wanted to know. Cause the man seems stupid enough to say something like that.

He shouldn't be allowed to have kids or be around them. I think he scares most everyone. He creeps me out.
Oh golly that was on over here also!

hmmm...God changed his face??? riiiiiiight! Puh-lease!! Does he think we are that silly to fall for that??

And I say next time he 'waves' his kid out the window someone should look into whether he is a fit parent!!
i saw most of it.

and about the part when he said he wants to adopted 2 kids from ever country in the world or something like that. i am wondering what kind of Noah's ark he is putting to gather.

i dont care if there is not sex invoved i would not even come in his bed room and the parents that let there kids stay over are crazyer then he is.

and he is a JW i would not open the door just to slam it in his face. (no offifenc to any JW, i open the door and talk to them)
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