Arizona DJ fired today

  • Thread starter 4xchampncountin
  • Start date


The DJ who thought it would be funny to call Darryl Kyle's widow on the air and ask her if she had a date to that night's playoff game was finally fired today. They initially just suspended him, but he got the axe today. I think he will still get the real good @ss-stompin' he deserves on top of it. How utterly classless can people be?:mad:
It just goes to show you, there is a market for any kind of "entertainment" out there. The fact that these guys appeal to anyone is what worries me.
Just another lame radio diskjockey trying to ratchet it up another level in a pathetic attempt to out-trash Howard Stern.

What a loser. I hope his station loses some sponsors and ratings. They all seem to encourage this boorish behavior until such time as it backfires, then they blame it all on the DJ. They're both at fault, IMO.
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