The mindset of these people is almost alien to most of us.They believe in a 'divine' reward for death thru conflict with we 'infidels'.To hold on to a limited[spare the infra structure and minimal civilian casualties]is not the way to deal with maniacs like these cult-of-islam followers.
You have got to hit and destroy what they care about:which is not neccesarily their own lives.'Stormin' Norman realized this very well in the Gulf war.Any holy shrine or temple of mecca needs to be brought down to cinder blocks to thouroughly de-moralize the populace.This hydra will continue to breed more terrorist until we take and dismantle the entire 'religion'.Leave the cult of islam as the answer to a trivia question in 100 years:"What once prominent cult did the US dismantle in 2003"?Answer:islam.
Sorry to be on a soapbox,but I know firsthand what they are.Bring the whole thing down and deal with the liberal apologist later.