Attorney wants to stop Super Bowl

The hell with him He dont want the steelers to win lol
I can see her point, but she is crazy if she thinks she is going to be able to stop the Superbowl.
the only way the super bowl will be stoped is if there is some terriost attacks on the day or we get word on some being planed on them
I understand her reasoning, but THE SUPER BOWL???:bs:

Maybe she is looking for her 15 minutes of fame and some $$$$$$
yeah just like that chick that says she cloned the babies but wont let them do dna testing on them
From what I understand, something that wasn't in that article, the plantifs in this case also received free tickets to the Super Bowl. Let's just give them the stadium as well and they can do with it what they wish. Hell, let's give them the NFL and while we're at it, give them NASCAR as well.
"If it doesn't make any sense, follow the money trail". I heard a very wise man say that once and it applies here quite nicely.
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