Average Joe 2



I really liked the first one although I really disagree with her picking the "pretty one" Not because the other had money but simply because the other was still living with mommy! I'd really like to see it with a gorgeous guy and average joeettes, but I know that will never happen. Women around the world would go nuts because they put not so perfect women on tv, competing for a guy!
I'm writing an article on reality tv shows for my high school paper and through some painstaking research, now if those guys are 'average joes' then Chewbacca must be equivalent to Ben Affleck.
Those guys were just about average joe as Michial Jackson. And you know how average he is. :lol:
With all the weird trends we have today, I dont even know what 'average' is. :idunno: :huh: :D
Especially an "Older" woman!!!!


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Take a tour of the plants and factorys across America. Where blue-collar workers punch a time cards everyday, There you will find average joe. And they don't look like those guys on the TV show.
Why do they call it "Average Joe"? the guys are all named Dave, or Jim, or Bill, but not Joe?

Those average joe guys, you have a computer geek who doesnt know the definition of work, you have a fat guy who doesnt know the meaning of exercise, and then you have a stupid guy who doesnt know the meaning of anything and you expect a girl to go for em? Those arent average joes, theyre below human standard bums ! :lol:

Thank you network executives for making the real average hard-working joes seem like incompetent lazy gastropods. :angry:
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