Azzhat city officials



Ok, I'm breaking the law. I have 2 horses in my backyard within city limits and I don't have permits. My bad.
But, due to the recent flooding the well where the horses are is contaminated with e-coli and other nasty stuff. The river has overflowed its banks and we now have a small stream running thru the paddock and common sense, actually horse sense because they won't drink it, tells me it's contaminated too.
A horse needs to drink, a lot, otherwise it can lead to them getting colic and dying.
Wife, daughter and son are busting their azzes prepping a place a friend says they can stay until the situation is resolved. Hopefully by tomorrow they'll be there.
Until then I'm going to pay a $200 a day fine and if I protest I'm subject to arrest.

I'm thinking of saddling up DeNiro and riding him over to Police Station and Animal control and asking them WTF am I supposed to do?
Ok, I'm breaking the law. I have 2 horses in my backyard within city limits and I don't have permits. My bad.
But, due to the recent flooding the well where the horses are is contaminated with e-coli and other nasty stuff. The river has overflowed its banks and we now have a small stream running thru the paddock and common sense, actually horse sense because they won't drink it, tells me it's contaminated too.
A horse needs to drink, a lot, otherwise it can lead to them getting colic and dying.
Wife, daughter and son are busting their azzes prepping a place a friend says they can stay until the situation is resolved. Hopefully by tomorrow they'll be there.
Until then I'm going to pay a $200 a day fine and if I protest I'm subject to arrest.

I'm thinking of saddling up DeNiro and riding him over to Police Station and Animal control and asking them WTF am I supposed to do?

That is ridiculous.I know in Warwick City Hall there are plenty of asses in there,and the only permit's they have were being voted in.Horse,ass,it's all the same.
Ok, I'm breaking the law. I have 2 horses in my backyard within city limits and I don't have permits. My bad.
But, due to the recent flooding the well where the horses are is contaminated with e-coli and other nasty stuff. The river has overflowed its banks and we now have a small stream running thru the paddock and common sense, actually horse sense because they won't drink it, tells me it's contaminated too.
A horse needs to drink, a lot, otherwise it can lead to them getting colic and dying.
Wife, daughter and son are busting their azzes prepping a place a friend says they can stay until the situation is resolved. Hopefully by tomorrow they'll be there.
Until then I'm going to pay a $200 a day fine and if I protest I'm subject to arrest.

I'm thinking of saddling up DeNiro and riding him over to Police Station and Animal control and asking them WTF am I supposed to do?

Is there any way to get permits quickly? I know you're dealing with petty bureaucrats, but a lot of judges will reduce a fine if you're actually trying to correct the matter...And if that don't work, make sure that DeNiro has a good meal about 45 minutes before you ride to city hall. They'll never notice the difference. ;)
Were you keeping the horses in your backyard before the flood, or did you just move them there for safe keeping?
Brought here as a temporary measure to get them away from the contaminated water. We got almost another inch of rain and that was just enough to create a stream in the paddock. One of her friends offered the use of a barn on her property that the prior owner used to board horses. Needed some work. They went there last night around 9 pm.

Much ado about nothing but I sure would like to know how they knew they were here so fast though. My neighbors all understood and were cool with it, especially their kids.
In that case, you are right. They are azzhats. You would really think they would be a little more understanding during a time like this.
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