Back After Long Absence



Well i finally made it back to this site after relocating to Ma., my home state. Co. Springs was a great experience for me, but i missed my family and friends here in Ma., so we made the trip with the 2 dogs July 4th weekend back to the house i grew up in. Had a tough time adjusting at first, then it became easier for me, my wife actually adjusted quicker than i did. Sorry to hear about Gollum, hope he makes it back here quickly! So to all those who know me and to those that don't Hi! Nice to be back! :)
Mop- Great to have you back. I know you've been away a long time, so you don't know that Gollum has passed. This hapened early this has been a sad time here at r-f.
Hey now! Great to see you back! :beerbang:
What part of Taxachussets? I grew up on the South Shore! :beerbang:
Palmer near Springfield, grew up here, most of my family is here or very near here. Really sad about Gollum, won't be the same ....
I KNOW Palmer! My parents and siblings moved to Wilbraham after I moved into my own place in Boston! My 1st husband went to the old Monson Acadamy well before they moved to the other side of the mountain! Church, sit on the throne, was the main employer in Monson back then. Small world!

Gollum will always be missed, and I was priviledged to be able to call him my friend. His famiy and I will keep in touch as best we can.
My family founded Monson or at least had a lot to do with it....Flynt Quarry, FLynt Contruction company, all that neat stuff, funny how you always come back home. Damn state is still run like it always corrupt politicians!!!!! Outiside of that it is, anyway it is good to be home, i love New England especially this time of year and my wife can't wait for the fall leave tour. Her first time here for a full winter , so it should be interesting to say the least for her. They ( all the key predictors) say it is going to be a bad winter, i can only hope so, got the plow ready to make some $$$$. Hopefully i can pay off my diesel and get in a house of my own by 07, that is the game plan Did i say nice to be back!
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