Back from MIL


Here kitty, kitty, kitty
Nov 14, 2002
Winston Salem, NC
Finally made it back from the MIL. Had a great meal and even had a slice of venison. Saw something interesting on the way out there. There were cute little Camaros with little blue lights flashing all over the place. I'm wondering if it might have been Santa cause lots of people were stopping these cars. My bet is they wanted to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas! Whatcha think?
i'm not sure i understand, can you try again? santa is in florida. at least that is what my kids think:p
I guess I just thought those little white Camaros had Santa in them because of the blinking blue lights. Why else would people be stopping them? Of course, I never did see Santa. Maybe those guys in uniforms were his helpers. :)
ya know, maybe they were. they stopped me in Virginia and made me have to pay for giving them my info. ok, im convinced. they are santas helpers
they dont quite look like that , as a matter of factr, he looked quite confuident
yup, miore like that. he didnt even take a breathe or pause
So thats where he makes his money. :p Santa has to have a big income to pay the elves. I heard they went union a few years ago.:D
What is MIL? I saw it now in a couple posts and no idea what it is.
We have some of those Santa helpers here. But here they stop you. I think they just want to ask what you want for Christmas.
Originally posted by PettyBenson4510
What is MIL? I saw it now in a couple posts and no idea what it is.

MIL stands for mother-in-law. Now if someone writes BIL, you should know what that is as well as SIL and FIL.'ll never know what CB means! ;)
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