Bad Charities


Team Owner
Feb 15, 2007
Now I think we all know that there are some BAD charities out there - meaning that they take in huge amounts of money - claim to be a non/profit and then feather their own nest and give little to the folks they are raising money for.

Personally, I don't know how these people go to sleep at night. They filter all the money around and pay their friends and relatives nice salaries for "management" and maybe 5-10% of the money you give to them for set purpose actually goes to that purpose.

I read an article today (sorry I can't link it) that said of the 50 WORST charities - basically just SHAMs...6 of them are in support of our returning veterans. Three of those have a "contribution-to-cause" rate of 2% or less...the other three are less than 5%.

Let's think about this. Here is how it works. They set up a non-profit and either set up a separate company as a "phone boiler room" or they hire that out...they advertise on TV. The TV ads are targeted at making people feel like they have to give to support the Vets. The actual "non-profit" may indeed be a non-profit...but there are no rules on how much salary the Director(s) and Managers can make. Obviously they need phone bank worker bees and they hire a bunch of them and give them a script.

Many of the folks who set up these "scams" are taking in six figure salaries or more.

...and this cr@p is tax-free. Burns my _ss. Decent people getting suckered thinking they are really doing good while the originators of the "charity" are out on their sailboats cruising to the Bahamas.

..again - how these grifters sleep at night is beyond me - they are monetary sociopaths.
Perhaps charities need to be better regulated.

Aside from giving money - which many people don't have - one can always help out a veteran but cutting their grass, shoveling the walkway, painting a shed, washing their car, plant them a vegetable garden and a whole host of other things.

Money is nice but time is the most valuable commodity we'll ever have and the one thing we all eventually run out of so use it wisely :)
Being in the middle of hurricane alley we get a chance to see just how corrupt even the biggest so called charities are, they bring in the wagons and open them for a couple of hours for the cameras then close them and go away until the TV crews want more interviews then they are opened up again. After hurricane Ivan the red cross set up trailers and gave away 30 or 40 cases of water for the cameras and left, which is about average for most charities, 6 weeks later they came back to get them and found them in the intercoastel waterway, it was on the local news but that's as far as it got because they were told on TV by the emergency responders that they were hindering not helping and a hazard because they parked and left them in the road for a month and a half unattended and the red cross wanted the public to think they were there the entire time doing good things so the news blackout.
The red cross is under the blanket called "the united way". They try to pressure you at work for payroll deductions for the whole blanket bunch of charities. Administrators make big time salaries. I do the salvation army, they return 80% of what they take in, and Goodwill, about the same, but goodwill hires and does many good things like workshops for the mentally challenged.
Here in Texas, one of the worst is the Texas State Trooper's Association --- has NOTHING to do with the Dept. of Public Safety, or the troopers.
We have those here also TRL, all bogus.
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