Bad neighbors

Bucky Badger

Go Kyle Go
May 11, 2003
Madison WI
Any one have any bad neighbor story they want to get off their chest....
or if you are the bad neighbor why do you do what you do.

I have a GREAT lawn and my lazy @ss retired school teacher hasn't mowed her lawn once this year...which is nothing more than a dandelion yard...takes so much effort to keep my lawn nice and weed free while this Lazy @ss lets her crap grow....Thanks lazy neighbor
I have pretty good neighbors, but my son had a couple who lived across the street from them that never took care of their lawn. There was often disturbances there too. One evening he heard a commotion outside and his neighbors wife and another woman was lying in the highway trying to pull each others hair out. But they both were recently arrested for drugs and since have disappeared and haven't been seen for the last 4 to 5 months.
I have awesome neighbors to the south of me but a rental house to the north. The previous renter in the north house would let the front yard get about three feet high before they cut it. It was dandelion-central, no real grass to speak of. I live close to Oat mountain, it get's breezy every day at the end of the day. This guy would wait for the windiest time of the day and then break out the weed whacker, no mower. It would send a dandelion blizzard onto my front lawn every time. The kid that cut the lawn was a big, fat, lazy, zit-faced kid.
One summer, it was particularly hot, 100+ degrees for about a month. I would sleep every night with all the windows open, allowing a nice cool breeze to blow through the house. I go to sleep during the week between 8 - 9pm, I get up at 4am every day. One weeknight, I'm laying there dead asleep at around 11:30pm. Out of nowhere, the fat genius kid next door fires up the gas weed whacker and starts in on his backyard. I couldn't even believe it. The cutting line on the weed whacker was slapping on the wood fence dividing our properties about 20 feet from my bedroom window. Now awake, I realize that it looks almost like it's daytime out back. The kid had about 5 of those big yellow tweaker lights lighting up the entire backyard. It looked like a #$*%&ing movie premier out my bedroom window. I couldn't get out of bed fast enough, I didn't even put on pants or shoes, out the back door I went, wearing only boxer shorts. I scaled the 6' wood fence and landed right in front of him. His eyes were big as saucers (through the goggles.) It scared the crap out of him so bad that he threw the weed eater in the air and fell back, flat on his fat ass, mouth wide open. This idiot was wearing a yellow plastic miner's hat with a big light on the front and an old pair of what looked like Red Baron flight goggles. The weed eater died when it hit the ground and it was now dead quiet. I screamed, "What the @#$& are you doing?!!!!" He was stuttering like a guilty Ralph Kramden, still with the big eyes. I yelled, "Do you know what time it is?", his reply was that it had been too hot during the day for him to work in the yard. I told him I didn't give a crap, that he was going to stop weed whacking or I was going to wrap it around his neck and choke him to death with it. I told him that I get up at 4:00am and I need to get to sleep and that I would kill him if I had to.
I hopped back over the fence, went back in the house and got in bed. Not 10 minutes later, he fired up the weed eater again. I couldn't believe it. I was going to beat him to death with his Ryobi. This time I put on pants and shoes. Nobody goes to battle in boxers. By the time I got dressed (13 seconds), reality set in that I was about to lose my job, my income, my house, etc. for killing this fat, ignorant waste of oxygen. I called the front desk at the local cop shop, instead. By now, it's damn near midnight. I told the officer on the phone that I worked for DWP (L.A. City :D ) and that I had to be up in four hours for work. I explained the situation, and that I was probably going back over there. The officer could hear the weed whacker through the phone. In not even 10 minutes, there was a black & white out front. About a minute after the radio car pulled up, the weed eater shut off and the lights went.
I eyeballed the kid to death every time I saw him after that. Fortunately, they moved out the following year.
That's the only neighbor issue that I've had in the 14 years that I've lived here. :)
Russian immigrants. Daughter is a RN BUT can barely speak English, her son and her parents moved in about 10 years ago. Caught the old man in my shed 'borrowing' shovels, rakes etc that never come home. Shed is now locked. Caught the old man fixing himself a plate at one of our backyard cook outs. I've had to call the cops because daughters friends, like her all b strong like bull..KWIM?,, They don't park in front of her house but park in front of mine blocking my driveway.
About 5 years ago I Got sick and tired of hearing how great mother Russia is and told them to move back.
The kick in the nutz? Neighbor opened their SS statement we get in December by accident. Old bastage gets more in SS then we do and he never paid in a cent!
Not neighbors as much as people in the neighborhood. Getting awakened at 3am by car stereos blaring that rap crap was a common event. Like, why don't they just get a flatbed truck and tow 700 speakers around on it?
I have a property line dispute with one neighbor. Every time I think it's settled, he turns around and starts all over.

I think it started when he bought his house. Contrary to local procedure, his real estate company did not get a formal survey done when he bought his place. Instead they sent a kid with a tape measure, who just stumbled around what was then woods. I tried to help the kid by pointing out where my markers were, and by showing him on a plot map that our properties did not meet at right angles, but he was confused.

Later my neighbor decided to cut down all of his woods. To do so the crew he hired needed access via my back driveway. I allowed it with the agreement that they would only cut a few of my tress (which we marked) and they wouldn't leave behind a mess in my woods or tear up my driveway. But while I was away on business they cleared thirty to fifty feet into my woods, left behind a mess and tore up my driveway. My neighbor apologized and had that area leveled and seeded (along with his yard) although I ended up fixing my driveway and cleaning up the mess.

Next he wanted to start a garden up in the cleared part of my yard. I agreed to share half of the area with him and tilled it up. He took almost three quarters of it, but then quit before the summer was over because "it was too much work". But I had already planted some perennial stuff so next year while I was tending it he yelled at me that "he didn't like to see me up there" and that "ever since his woods got cut down he didn't have the privacy he'd paid for". I told him I was sorry but I wasn't going to abandon a project in my own yard that I'd already sunk time and money into, and reminded him that he was the one who had the trees cut down. Although I'd tried to be accommodating and nice up to that point, he decided I was the enemy. So he planted a row of trees to mark that line.

The next year he started yelling at me for working in the garden again. I ignored him, so one day I came home to find that he was starting to put up a fence – twenty feet inside my property line. He ran into the house when he saw me come home and wouldn’t come out to talk about it, so I called. He wouldn’t answer his phone so I left him a stern message. I didn’t cuss at him but I did tell him I would tear down any fences he built in my yard. That night around 1:00 he called back, and obviously drunk, and threatened to “put a cap in my a$$”. I already knew he had a gun and was pretty loose with it so I took him seriously and called the cops. He almost went to jail that night and still blames me for it.

A few years later my neighbor "forgot" about his overly-exuberant clearing and claimed that all of the cleared property belonged to him. So I paid to have my property lines re-marked via an official survey. My neighbor shadowed the surveyor the whole time, and when I got home he again was planting a line of trees to mark the line. (His property cuts into mine in two places, so this line was to mark the second place.)

A few years later I had a couple guys helping me clean up my woods and my neighbor ran out and yelled at us for "being in his yard". We weren't even within forty feet of his line of trees. He claimed that those trees didn't mark the line, and "didn't remember planting them". I again showed him where the two county-installed metal stakes were, and reminded him of the survey I'd had done for us, and he claimed "that don't count because it's a case of trying to keep the black man down." (Yep, I'm white and he's black.) Then he tried several other cons, such as "it's a watershed" (it's not, and I don't know how that would matter anyway), "there's a buffer zone there owned by the city" (not true, but even if true why would he have the right to dictate its use and not me), and "I owed him reparations because my family owned slaves” (not true – we were Northerners and had never owned slaves, let alone any related to him). My wife also told me she had caught him showing people around our yard several times, even as close as ten feet from our house, claiming to own all of it - even his friends weren't buying that.

I went down to the Deeds Office to make sure there wasn’t anything to any of his claims (and there wasn’t) but they told me that he had been down there two days prior asking about the same things. When they showed him he was wrong he pitched a fit and they had to have cops escort him off the premises.

Then I caught him trying to dig up the permanent metal markers. He told me he wanted me to pay for another survey – I told him it was his turn now. About three months later he hired an official surveyor. My wife watched from a distance, and heard him arguing with the surveyor when the markers were once again being placed where they already were (not where my neighbor wanted them).

Since then he’s kept a low profile, but it hasn’t been three years yet (that’s about the length of time it takes him to “forget”).

Sorry about the long rant… but you asked…
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Sounds like a good fence would take care of a lousy neighbor. One that he can't see you and you won't have to look at him.
No, he's already proven that a fence won't help. He already comes past the trees he planted as a fence himself (and they are big enough now that you can only see through in a few small gaps). Besides, I'd have to put it up well inside my lines (and then he'd claim all of the area up to the fence) or cut down his trees (and all he11 would break loose). By the way, he does the same thing to the neighbor on the other side of him, and they did put up a non-see-through tall fence. The only way I can see this ending is when he moves away - and then I bet I'll have to deal with a new owner whom he lies to about where the property lines are.
My neighbors right now are really close. The one on my right side is pretty loud at times, he works on cars all the time, and even has a rollback truck that he brings vehicles in on at all kinds of hours. It is nice having him there though, as he loans me jacks, air tanks, and hand tools, breaker bars, brake fluid and other things when I need them so it all more than balances out.
I live in an apartment, so my neighbors basically live with me. I don't really have a problem with any of them except for a small issues. Several of them are smokers, so while they do take their smoking outside, the smell of the smoke gets in through my open window, so I always end up closing it until they finish up. My other issue is the kids down below. They are young, and super loud when they are playing outside. They even have a bouncy house that they use which annoys me to the fullest. They are located downstairs, but still feel the need to come upstairs and stare right into my window at my cat who is lying in the window. I have a small platform by the window for the cat and my recliner is also right beside the window. The kids were standing there again the other day just looking into my window at the cat. I got up, shut the blinds and sat back down. Pretty sure they got the point...
The people behind me are really annoying. The cops have been called several times because of them fighting and causing a disturbance.
Oh crap, I forgot about the morons who just moved in behind me a few weeks ago. Now this a**hole and I are heading for an introduction that will be one he won't remember fondly, if at all. The first weekend he moved in he decided to start a sort of bond fire at the back of his property, which butts up against my property. Now, we are in the city, so it's not like our houses are miles apart. This douche bag starts burning worse crap as the night goes on and by the end he is burning crap that was ripped out of the house when they did repairs before they moved in. One thing that really pissed me off is that he had a kid that couldn't have been any more than 4 years old running around the backyard barefoot and throwing crap into the fire during the daylight hours.
I have a property line dispute with one neighbor. Every time I think it's settled, he turns around and starts all over.

I think it started when he bought his house. Contrary to local procedure, his real estate company did not get a formal survey done when he bought his place. Instead they sent a kid with a tape measure, who just stumbled around what was then woods. I tried to help the kid by pointing out where my markers were, and by showing him on a plot map that our properties did not meet at right angles, but he was confused.

Later my neighbor decided to cut down all of his woods. To do so the crew he hired needed access via my back driveway. I allowed it with the agreement that they would only cut a few of my tress (which we marked) and they wouldn't leave behind a mess in my woods or tear up my driveway. But while I was away on business they cleared thirty to fifty feet into my woods, left behind a mess and tore up my driveway. My neighbor apologized and had that area leveled and seeded (along with his yard) although I ended up fixing my driveway and cleaning up the mess.

Next he wanted to start a garden up in the cleared part of my yard. I agreed to share half of the area with him and tilled it up. He took almost three quarters of it, but then quit before the summer was over because "it was too much work". But I had already planted some perennial stuff so next year while I was tending it he yelled at me that "he didn't like to see me up there" and that "ever since his woods got cut down he didn't have the privacy he'd paid for". I told him I was sorry but I wasn't going to abandon a project in my own yard that I'd already sunk time and money into, and reminded him that he was the one who had the trees cut down. Although I'd tried to be accommodating and nice up to that point, he decided I was the enemy. So he planted a row of trees to mark that line.

The next year he started yelling at me for working in the garden again. I ignored him, so one day I came home to find that he was starting to put up a fence – twenty feet inside my property line. He ran into the house when he saw me come home and wouldn’t come out to talk about it, so I called. He wouldn’t answer his phone so I left him a stern message. I didn’t cuss at him but I did tell him I would tear down any fences he built in my yard. That night around 1:00 he called back, and obviously drunk, and threatened to “put a cap in my a$$”. I already knew he had a gun and was pretty loose with it so I took him seriously and called the cops. He almost went to jail that night and still blames me for it.

A few years later my neighbor "forgot" about his overly-exuberant clearing and claimed that all of the cleared property belonged to him. So I paid to have my property lines re-marked via an official survey. My neighbor shadowed the surveyor the whole time, and when I got home he again was planting a line of trees to mark the line. (His property cuts into mine in two places, so this line was to mark the second place.)

A few years later I had a couple guys helping me clean up my woods and my neighbor ran out and yelled at us for "being in his yard". We weren't even within forty feet of his line of trees. He claimed that those trees didn't mark the line, and "didn't remember planting them". I again showed him where the two county-installed metal stakes were, and reminded him of the survey I'd had done for us, and he claimed "that don't count because it's a case of trying to keep the black man down." (Yep, I'm white and he's black.) Then he tried several other cons, such as "it's a watershed" (it's not, and I don't know how that would matter anyway), "there's a buffer zone there owned by the city" (not true, but even if true why would he have the right to dictate its use and not me), and "I owed him reparations because my family owned slaves” (not true – we were Northerners and had never owned slaves, let alone any related to him). My wife also told me she had caught him showing people around our yard several times, even as close as ten feet from our house, claiming to own all of it - even his friends weren't buying that.

I went down to the Deeds Office to make sure there wasn’t anything to any of his claims (and there wasn’t) but they told me that he had been down there two days prior asking about the same things. When they showed him he was wrong he pitched a fit and they had to have cops escort him off the premises.

Then I caught him trying to dig up the permanent metal markers. He told me he wanted me to pay for another survey – I told him it was his turn now. About three months later he hired an official surveyor. My wife watched from a distance, and heard him arguing with the surveyor when the markers were once again being placed where they already were (not where my neighbor wanted them).

Since then he’s kept a low profile, but it hasn’t been three years yet (that’s about the length of time it takes him to “forget”).

Sorry about the long rant… but you asked…

Oh my god!! Neighbor from hell!

I've always had good experiences with neighbors.. However, I currently live in the barrio. Lots of loud car stereos, and for some reason, when people come to pick people up at their house.. instead of calling.. or walking to the door, they just honk repeatedly.. Regardless of what time it is.. It's the most obnoxious thing I've ever seen. I also deal with a lot of mariachi music on holiday weekends if I'm home. But hey. I moved here... The rent is cheap and I'm as coastal as it gets. And as obnoxious as it is, everyone here is friendly as hell, lots of families. A few hoodlums but whatever.
Somthing tells me I'm the bad neighbor in my neighborhood. Think it has somthing to do with woodworking tools and restoring my 68 Torino. I'm also the only one who doesn't hire stuff out. I did my own landscaping last summer. Some of it involved my truck and logging chain for shrub removal.
Somthing tells me I'm the bad neighbor in my neighborhood. Think it has somthing to do with woodworking tools and restoring my 68 Torino. I'm also the only one who doesn't hire stuff out. I did my own landscaping last summer. Some of it involved my truck and logging chain for shrub removal.
:( You got me thinking. I do lots of work in the driveway, too. Plus, sometimes I come home late on my motorcycle. And I'm not real friendly to the neighborhood cats.
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