
The bailout has fallen flat. GM will likely declare bankruptcy within a month.

Welcome depression.
Then again, maybe the unions will realize how they are killing the golden goose and accept a reasonable pay rate so that the american companies can compete.

I have a hard time supporting a bailout of companies who have maintenance guys who actually work about 20 of the 40 hours they clock and get paid over $100,000 a year. My wife's uncle has been making 6 figures for over 10 years at Chrysler and that is exactly what he does, reads newspapers and magazines and sleeps for about half of his third shift job. They all have cots and stuff there so they can catch up on their sleep while the company pays them a rediculous wage to do so. In doing this, it costs the companies so much to produce the cars that they have to charge a lot more for an inferior product to Toyota, Honda etc.

I don't want to see any of the big three go under, but I know where I put much of the blame if it does.
Unions don't decide what cars are built, management does. Union contracts aren't signed by only one side, management has to sign the dotted line also.

Bad product lines, overpaid, inept management and workers + no admission of guilt by either side or willingness to take pay cuts by either side = let them sink or swim on their own. I have no sympathy for them. Chapter 11 might even force them to do their damn jobs right. If not, I'm sure foreign automakers like fire sales as well as the next business.
Slow, you are so right. Though I've been a union member for 36 years, I'm by no means a backer of their views, but they are but half the reason for GM's problems. Management has the same amount of blame to share as well for their bad decisions. Contracts are negotiated and signed and you can't blame one side or the other for the mistakes made. It takes two to tango in this thing. You can't blame the gold brick who sits on his butt making 6 figures. He just voted on the package that allowed that and who wouldn't? It's the idiot on the other side that said Okay! But both of them have to pay for this and I doubt you will find many people who sympathize with either party...unless of course, they are members of the UAW or GM management.
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