Barry Wright

That is true. Not many news papers take the time or space for racing. Shelby Star, NC does a couple of stories a year. More than any other around here.
the guy that does the articles in the Union/Spartanburg area, Gene Murphy is a super nice guy..... I've known him for about 10 years now. He writes some really good articles for local papers and some of the dirt trade papers. Takes great pics too..
One way to keep stuff like that, or get stuff in the paper s to let them know..... if they do it, thank 'em, and if they dont ask 'em why not. Our local paper Lancaster News has been covering our track for years. I've been writin the columns for that past few years, and I beg people to contact them and let 'em know ya like them...... must be workin, because this year they actually did 3 articles leading up to our first race, all previewing the upcoming season.
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