Baseball fans


Here kitty, kitty, kitty
Nov 14, 2002
Winston Salem, NC
Here's a question that will never happen, but just for fun tell what you would do. You are on the BHOF committee and before you is the lilst of nominees for admittance to the Baseball Hall of Fame. There are only two names on this list and you must vote for one. Who will it be and remember, you have to cast a vote.

Pete Rose or Mark McGuire?

Muggle, you can't abstain from this, which one is more deserving?
Here's a question that will never happen, but just for fun tell what you would do. You are on the BHOF committee and before you is the lilst of nominees for admittance to the Baseball Hall of Fame. There are only two names on this list and you must vote for one. Who will it be and remember, you have to cast a vote.

Pete Rose or Mark McGuire?

Muggle, you can't abstain from this, which one is more deserving?
You know my vote......NEITHER,

However, in the true spirit of requiring to make a choice between the two. I would vote for Pete Rose, as much as that would hurt. :eek:

His on the field accomplishments were not tainted like McQuires.
I knew this would be a hard one for you. We have differing opinions of HOF and I would allow both in the hall. In an interview with Bud Selig the other day, he talked of how players through the years have been using what ever they could to get a leg up on the competition including the use of amphetamines. The only fault I have with McGuire is that he tried to make people think that he didn't use anything. BTW, when asked if he could or would pardon anyone, he said no.
agree with trl. imo there's no comparison between pete rose and mark mcguire as far as baseball skills go. i also agree with muggle that neither should be allowed in.
I'd vote for Pete Rose. He went all out on the field in every game.

Yup yup....

Pete being banned from the Hall of Fame is the biggest reason I stopped following baseball. He was my hero growing up and its a shame that he can't be enshrined there.

There's been worse things done that what he did.
Pete for sure needs to go to Cooperstown. I don't think what he did hurt the sport as much as the steroid use did.

Mcguire, if it all didn't end with all the slime involved at the end. I do not hold it against the players for using the performance inhancing drugs that they used. They were not illegal, and since they were not banned from baseball neither should their records be banned from Cooperstown. Now if they were jackasses about it and lied and tried to cover up I may not want them in.
In this instance I would vote for Pete Rose. I personally think they should both be in based solely on their one field performance. Is Pete Rose a great guy off the field? No. But was he one of the greatest to ever play the game? Absolutely. They might as well not even have a hall of fame if the all-time hits leader isn't there.

As for McGwire, he hit over 600 homers, many of them off of pitchers who were on steroids as well. With no way of verifying exactly who did and did not use steroids there is no way to determine who should be excluded from hall of fame induction based on anything steroids related. Did steroids help him stay healthy enough to compete in a lot more games than he would have otherwise? Certainly. Did they make him stronger and therefore allow him to hit more homeruns in the games he played? Of course. But, without a clear picture of the playing field he competed on (who else was doing the same things) I think we can only go by what he did on the field. Others took pain killers to allow them to play, even though they knew fully well that playing with some of those injuries could have long term damage to their bodies.
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