Baylor Player allegedly shot by teammate



Informant: Baylor Player Shot by Teammate
WACO, Texas (AP) - A police informant told authorities that missing Baylor University basketball player Patrick Dennehy was shot in the head with a 9 mm handgun by a former teammate after the two had an argument, according to court documents released Monday. The teammate and former roommate, Carlton Dotson, told a cousin that he got in an argument with Dennehy while they were shooting guns in the Waco area and that Dennehy pointed a gun at Dotson as if to shoot him, the informant said.

If this is true, then this is a very sad sad story. A human life might've been lost over what happened in a game or a simple argument.
Truly a sad situation. If this is true, I hope this guy comes forward and gives all of the information. He should have done this sooner, if indeed it was an accident. Either way, he is now in big trouble.
All Texas Jurys will want to be hanging jurys (if indeed this is a homicide) just look at what happened to Chante Mallard, the woman who claimed she was too confused, scared and upset to come forward. The guy who alledgedly shot Dennehy (if indeed he was shot and the informant's information is true) will want to use the Chante Mallard defense, but like Mallard's case, I doubt it'll work :mellow:
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