Be careful about spam


Team Owner
Sep 16, 2001
Boston, MA
Woke up this morning and had an inbox full of spam. Some of the emails actually had the ip address of the person that signed me up for these mailing lists and spam etc. The ip address was from New York City and was a Roadrunner customer.

I think we all remember who it was the lived in New York City, and that person wasn't too pleased with being banned from this site. I'm not surprised, as other people have complained about this person spamming their email addresses when she was crossed.

So just a word of warning to stay somewhat far away from you know who, or use a phoney email address when and if communicating with her...unless you like porn spam. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I'm on the phone with her ISP now...and working on getting the account terminated.

Again, just a word of warning...take it how you want.
Point well taken, Paul. We should all be aware of spam and the potential for virus infestation. Please use an anti-virus program. Let's be careful out there.
I was working when all that went down with that particular person in the NYC area so I didn't know what had happend. I went back through their postings and still didn't see it so I figured maybe there was a thread that was deleted as I know has been done before with a volatile thread. With that being said...that must've been one heckuva falling out for her to still be so bitter and angry that she's doing this to you guys so long after the fact... Kinda sad when you think about it. Getting banned would suck but I certainly wouldn't let it consume me so much that MONTHS after the fact I would still be so bitter as to do something ridiculous like that.

:idunno: :micro:
It is scary...but this is the internet and there are a lot of whack jobs out there.

Please, just be careful and protect yourself.
Just be careful, I'm not trying to smear anyone's name...I've got more important things to do. Just be careful with your email addresses.
I recently had my computer hacked into and got subscribed to various porn it all fixed now.

be carefull Y'all.
I somehow doubt that Monty Python ever had any of this in mind.
I didn't know she was banned, Just thought she quit posting. What a shame.
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