Bears kill the hand that feeds them



Bears Kill Hand That Fed Them

A California author and filmmaker who became famous for trekking to Alaska's remote Katmai coast to commune with brown bears has fallen victim to the teeth and claws of the wild animals he loved.

Officials said Timothy Treadwell, 46, and girlfriend Amie Huguenard, 37, were killed and partially eaten by a bear or bears near Kaflia Bay, about 300 miles southwest of Anchorage, earlier this week.

Scientists who study Alaska brown bears said they had been warning Treadwell for years that he needed to be more careful around the huge and powerful twin of the grizzly.

"He kept insisting that he wanted to show that bears in thick brush aren't dangerous," said Chuck Bartlebaugh of "Be Bear Aware," a national bear awareness campaign.

_ Anchorage Daily News
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