Beer Drinking Logic


Secret Agent Man
Apr 6, 2005
Southern California.
A man was walking out of a liquor store with a case of beer when he was accosted by a well dressed lady with a handful of religious temperance flyers.
She tried to get him to take one but he politely refused, at which point she engaged the man with a barrage of questions.
Temperance Lady: Do you drink every day?
Man: Yes.
Temperance Lady: How much a day?
Man: One carton every day starting at noon.
Temperance Lady: How much does a Carton cost?
Man: About $30 if you shop around.
Temperance Lady: And how long have you been drinking like that?
Man: 15 years.
Temperance Lady: So with a carton costing $30 you are spending roughly $900 each month. In one year, you would then be spending $10,800, correct?
Man: Correct.
Temperance Lady: If in 1 year you spend $10,800 on beer, not accounting for inflation, 15 years puts your spending roughly $162,000; correct?
Man: Correct.
Temperance Lady: Did it ever occur to you that if you did not drink for the last 15 years, you could have bought a Ferrari?
Man: Do you drink?
Temperance Lady: No.
Man: So where's your damn Ferrari? quote I can remember about beer when I was in St. Louis with my older brother.....

I said: "Wow..the price of beer has gone up"

My Brother: "They will never charge what it's worth."
The thing about beer is... you don't buy it - you can only rent it.
Probably with good reason ……..;)
Sorry Johali …. the devil
made me do it!

But then I recalled this little gem;

A grasshopper walks into a bar, pulls up a stool, and orders a beer. The bartender pours him a tall, frothy mug and says "You know... we have a drink named after you." To which the grasshopper replies, "You have a drink named Bob?"
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