I have to admit the business side of racing has never turned my crank.
I know owners almost have to submit to the whims of the corporate dollars, I hate it and them running our sport.
There is a law of unintended consequences my ideas may be crazy. But I wish running a team budget could be limited to something between 5-8 million per team, to control the corporate power.
The drivers and the owners should be the gods, not the sponsors. The Corporate equals suites and ties, boring, boring. They don't have our racing blood, and and to much action at the track gives them the sweats.
When I was a boy racing my toy cars on the floors inside, and the dirt outside, and a high school teen, pure racing was the alpha and omega, it was everything. I turned down dates to go to track (God, I was a fool if you are young just remember the racing will hang around longer than the girls).
Greg....Greg the topic what are you saying......?.
My racing ideas never planned on having the corporate powers being so controlling. I want 60 teams showing up a week. New start up teams to be on going, that aren't to regulated to try the radical.
Were something just a little beyond a local mom and pop can set up a race shop, and give a local hot shoe a shot at the big time. That's what inspired me to make racing and Saturday nights the beginning and end of all things, those corporate suites are spreadsheet freaks, not racing freaks.
A budget platform of 5-8m would better facilitate that than a few luxury 20 million dollar deals.
End of rant.