BG your an Old Timer


Team Owner
Sep 18, 2001
Did you get demoted?:) I'm glad you came back from the dark side(Mod.) to join me.:)
I'm just sweating like a pig down here.:) I got my Trailblazer on the road yesterday. I went to north central Ark. and got 23 Mpg. running about 75. It did great in the Ozarks, plenty of power to pass slower traffic going up hill. How are you?
I've been wondering that myself, Budgirl. Glad to see you're still around, though. :)
I thought she got banned.:D But I knew better Paul has a soft spot in his heart for her. And yes Paul has a heart.:D
Take care of your mom and those kittens. Did you get rid of the tomcat? Don't stay away to long.
Hey BG,
Good to see ya' been a while. Sorry to hear about your mom, will send thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. Glad to hear them critters is gettin' along. 3 is the black one isn't he? If I remember correctly, my black one's not quite right in the head himself. I wonder if it's a thing like with a lot of white cats being deaf? Well glad to see you back, take care of yourself and we'll see you when you get around.
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