Big Brother



Progressive has their snapshot program. Plug their doo-hickey into your cars OMD for a month and it's like a airplanes black box that reports speed, brake aplication and location back via GPS, insurance rates adjusted accordingly.
Now State Farm is offering the same thing,,except it's permanent. I'm not a perfect driver, is anyone? But I really don't like this idea. Bad enough that on some newer cars the "computer" can be read for the last few seconds telling speed, brake application etc prior to impact.
I don't have a problem with it.If it shows you don't drive good enough to get lower rates.Then maybe people will open their eyes and change their driving habits.Now if we could get people off their cellphones while sitting at GREEN LIGHTS this world would be a better place.
Cell phones at green lights? Shirley you jest. What about texting in the hi-speed lane of Rt 95 at 60+ MPH?
Speed limit is 55 btw....
At least they are moving.For the last 2 weeks I run up on at least 1 person a day sitting at a green light while playing with their cellphone.The other day I was following somebody and they just stopped at a green light like it turned red?
I don't like the black box idea. I speed within a calculated tolerance, I also make up time by speeding in places like exit and entry ramps. No wrecks, and no tickets in years, that's all they need to know.
I don't mind the idea, as long as you can opt in or out. When they make it a requirement to get insurance is when I'd have a problem with it.
I need to talk more to my brother,he got the flyer. I think they'll sell you insurance at $X, but if you go with the program you get a discount.
As an aside, I can't for the life of me, figure out why my car insurance went up when my husband died. It wasn't but $20, but you'd think that 1 person and 2 vehicles would at least stay the same.
As an aside, I can't for the life of me, figure out why my car insurance went up when my husband died. It wasn't but $20, but you'd think that 1 person and 2 vehicles would at least stay the same.
If you didn't have any moving violations, fender benders, or changed your address then that is kind of weird. I would call them and ask for the reason. You could go treat yourself to a nice lunch with $20.00.
Fran, I made a pretty good living working for insurance companies but their logic at times is skewed. I owe no allegiance to any company.
Allstate wanted $180 a month for full coverage on my truck, 200/500 liability on my wifes car.
Liberty Mutual gets $93 for the same coverage plus my kids car at minimum liability of 25/50 IIRC.
Liberty beat USAA price.
I shop around every year. As long as the company is approved by the state I have no problem.

Many years ago I had insurance thru a company that insured Electric Boat employees, Electric Insurance Co. their prices were shocking! No chit.
I don't like the black box idea. I speed within a calculated tolerance, I also make up time by speeding in places like exit and entry ramps. No wrecks, and no tickets in years, that's all they need to know.
Same here. +8-10%, and high rate of speed on on/off ramps. Especially curved ones. From home to work there's 2 each way, I could probably hit 1.25-1.5 lateral G's if I wanted. Right on the ragged edge of the back end wanting to come around.
IIRC the 'black box" EDR info has been used in court cases by both sides to settle disputed 'facts'.

When Providence put in red light cameras there was a article saying we've lost our privacy as we're are all on camera several times a day. I just don't like the idea of being tracked and what else is done with the info?
The red light camera was an epic fail here in L.A. And was discontinued because it took away your right to due process.
Because we access so many different properties during the day, our employer has instructed us to expect that we're on camera at all times. Cameras and surveillance are just a part of tech times that we live in today.
Red light cameras are nothing more than revenue generators for the municipality. They've also increased the number of rear end collisions at intersections.
Unconstitutional I don't know but they're still in use here. Whole bunch of stuff if you search 'providence RI red light cameras'.
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