Read somewhere round and about a bit on the DEI plate track edge.
No clue as to the source of the info or its veracity.
Anyways, the claim is that the DEI cars were much larger venturi in their carbs than anyone else. The implication, though not clearly stated, was that they were not within the approved parameters. This was claimed to be the reason that telemetry was showing both Jr and Mikey at running at less than 100% throttle during mmuchof the race. It was purported that this gave them a competitive edge over the other teams.
This is not to be construed as anything more than rumor. The purpose of this post is to ask a question.
Given the presence of the restrictor plate, with its effect on intake flow, would the use of larger venturi give any HP gain? My first reaction is that the carb can outflow the plate as it is, so nothing would be gained. Is there something more subtle at work here?
No clue as to the source of the info or its veracity.
Anyways, the claim is that the DEI cars were much larger venturi in their carbs than anyone else. The implication, though not clearly stated, was that they were not within the approved parameters. This was claimed to be the reason that telemetry was showing both Jr and Mikey at running at less than 100% throttle during mmuchof the race. It was purported that this gave them a competitive edge over the other teams.
This is not to be construed as anything more than rumor. The purpose of this post is to ask a question.
Given the presence of the restrictor plate, with its effect on intake flow, would the use of larger venturi give any HP gain? My first reaction is that the carb can outflow the plate as it is, so nothing would be gained. Is there something more subtle at work here?