Bill Lester on CNN Sunday Night



NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series driver Bill Lester is scheduled to be
interviewed live at approximately 10 p.m. (EDT), Sunday, July 27. The
interview concerns last week's announcement that Lester is appearing on
packages of Honey Nut Cheerios, the first African-American race car driver
to appear on packaging for a national company. (Williams Company Press
Release) (7/25)
I like Bill Lester...I am not for sure why...I just like the guy. Now he is going to be on a cereal box! How old is he...?
Well thank god, I've always advocated that we need more minorities in the sport. Bill Lester is a pioneer and he will hopefully get the job done in Trucks.
Originally posted by 97forever@Jul 26 2003, 11:10 AM
Bill Lester on a cereal box???Unreal.I know that's based on performance rather than skin color,isn't it?
And does that bother you ????

There have been WASP's with less talent than Bill Lester that have been offered rides in the various NASCAR series. Bill Lester earned the right to be in the series and understands skin color was a part of the reason he was selected. Lester did not actively seek out this ride. Lester is very open about his role in the series and makes no excuses for his selection. If there is a representative worthy of being a role model for all Americans, he is a good choice.

The upcoming Bill Lester interview will most likely reflect his true feelings and his role as a Black American competing in one of the most highly publicized series in auto racing. Unless I mis-read publiciity and previous interviews with Bill Lester he is an absolute gentleman and professional race driver and businessman.
There are a few other drivers with lighter skin who might be well advised to take a few notes from him when it comes to showing the same amount of class Bill Lester carries. :salute:
I would like to agree.Really I would.But you can attach that dreaded 'ism' behind my name regarding this cereal box thing.

As in cynisISM that is.Bill Lester appearing on a cereal box is just about as most blatant act of nothingness as any I have read of lately.

Don't misunderstand:I would love to save the world as much as you guys.Erase all the bloody racial injustice,make the planet better and more tranquil.Teach white guys how to jump and 'minorities' how to putting an un-proven Carl Edwards wannabe on a cereal box and make myself rich in the process.Hell,I could even pat myself on the back down at the local CEO bar,telling the other patrons what a swell guy I am:'I put that black driver on a cereal box'.

This is about selling cereal....Cheerios wants to see their bottom line increase.Profits high.Much like Jesse Jackson/Mike Helton,all these dollar-blinded people want is to get richer,fatter and gain some attention in the process.NONE OF THEM GIVE A DAMN ABOUT MINORITIES IN MOTORSPORTS one way or the other.Not Jackson,not Helton,not the pr guy for Cherrios.

Sorry to rant folks.One thing that really ticks me off is the rich man championing the cause of the 'downtrodden' to make himself richer in the process.Thats whats going on here from Jessie to Joe.It's just not's nice to have any driver on a cereal box,I agree there.

But it's being done for the wrong reasons in this case.Personally,I like Bill Lester...and hate to see him become just another 'token.'
Of course it is about selling cereal. There is no hidden agenda in placing Bill Lester on the box. Anyone with a simdgeon of intellect understands it is a "for profit" thing and related only to selling that brand of breakfast crunchies to a targeted market. It is the American way.

Funny though, but in the real world, it is no different than using anyone else in a position of public profile for the designated purpose of selling to a designated class of people of targeted area. Once again, it is the American way.

Sometimes the cynis"ism" doesn't show unless the color is black.

But drop the racial profile for a moment and analyze the entire scene. America'a corporate structure was built on the exact same logic exhibited by a cereal company. If this were not the case, perhaps Kerry Earnhardt or Mathew Martin might not be paid to sing the praises of thier sponsors. Are they truly deserving ?? Or are they getting the benefit of Dad's good name and accomplishments??? Just as Bill Lester is placed on a cereal box. All thngs considered, the "ism" doesn't apply unless it covers all bases and is ALWAYS brought to the forefront of EVERY commercial utilizing EVERY celebrity, regardless of race, color, creed or popularity. Only then can the "ism" be added. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

In any case, whether it be Bill Lester, Kerry Earnhardt, Matt Martin, Derricke Cope or anyone else using thier celebrity status for selling a specific product to a targeted market the logic is sales. It is legal, it is moral, according to current day standards, and it is the foundation America is built on. To consider this as being questionable or sucking up to a minority group is taking a stand against capitalism, the backbone of doing business in America.

If anyone feels they want to save the world, eradicate racial injustice, teach white guys how to jump or black guys how to drive, the place to start is by accepting the photo of Bill Lester for what it is intended and give due thought process to all commercialism using celebrities, rather than selecting one because the celebrity in question is black or considered by some as underqualified. If anyone really thinks Bill Lester is another "token", then so is every minority who has a place in commercial advertising. And if not Bill Lester, then who ??? Under the premise noted, any Black American would become a "token" if used for commercial purposes.

In the event corporate America were to do away with this format, the corporate profit will decline. Stock holders will pee and moan as thier investments lost value. Next comes a stock holder rebellion whose sole purpose is to get the board of directors to do what they were doing before, using profiling to target specific people and markets, to get profits back on track and increase the value of thier investment. More than likely these will be the same people who decried the practice in the first place, if they own any stock.

As noted in an earlier post, it is all "GREEN". It makes no never mind if the skin color is black, white, yellow, red or pink, it is all "GREEN".
You left your argument wide open Whiz,old buddy.

First off,I personally am cynical in ALL matters.Not just racial issues.The fact is those very issues clearly shine a bright light on the hypocracy of 'capitalism'and modern society.

Second:that's really the only point you tried to make:Capitalism is just and proper,the American way even!In 300 or so more words all you said was that everybody does it(use others for their monetary benefit)therefore it is all fine and dandy.

Third:I fail to see the morality in a system based on the screwing over of your fellow man.Putting a man's face on a box because of his skin color is just plain old fashioned wrong.Sure,it won't hurt anything.At least not at this point in time.One day it will though.Better cynical than naive.

And last,for Mr.Lester himself----their is another way to go about this.

EARN your way onto a cereal box.THAT is the real American way after all.Despite the fact that some try to distort the issue,your skin color does not entitle---and should not impede---whether or not your picture is on a box.Merit alone should do that.And yes,for Matt and Kerry as well.

But then I didn't know they were on any cereal boxes?Possibly you beat those two to it.

Just my take.
The purpose of the picture was to sell cereal to a specific market. PERIOD !!!!! Whether the advertising is on a cereal box is irrelevant. If this were truly "cynicism" all forms of advertising by a celebrity would be the subject to this discussion.

As for who is elegible to have a picture on a cereal box, one question is;
who sets the standard for placing someone's picture on a cereal box ?? General Mills? The Olympic Committee?? Sports Illustrated?? Or is there no standard except those that begin and end with our personal observations, which could vary by skin color??

Exploiting Bill Lester because he is a Black American sells cereal. Just as intended. James Garner sold Polaroid but what makes him qualified?? Mark Martin, advertises Viagra. Does he use it or even need it?? What makes him the "expert" and is he qualified to "sell" Viagra ??
Accepting advertising and the subjects used is not being naive. Recognizing them for what they are is realistic.

Since there is little else to be gained from this discussion, Whizzer's position being made clear, further response will not be forthcoming on this topic. It is enlightening to view others opinions on a sensitive topic. :cheers:
Well...I suppose I can drink to that.Irish whiskey,German beer,Russian vodka.....just so all segments are covered! ;)
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