Bill's Win??????



Do you think that Bill's car was better than Sterling's all day and he was just biding his time, letting Sterling lead all those laps until it was time to race for the win or do you think that the handling went away that quick on Sterling's car?

I think Bill just rode around staying close enough because he knew he had the car to win, saving his equipment til the end. Kind of putting Sterling to sleep and letting him think he had the race wrapped up and then sweeping to the outside when Sterling wasn't expecting it. Anyway it was a good run for both guys. Congratulations to Bill on the awesome win.
I don't think Bill had the best car all day. When it was cloudy and overcast at the track he had the best car, but when it was sunny out Sterling Marlin had the best car. Bill's car got better near the end of the race because it got cloudy and overcast like at the start of the race.
I think they were pretty even matched,Didn't Sterling slip going in to hard when Bill passed him.I could be wrong,but I think it cost him a 1/2 second.He couldn't make it up in time to get a run at the lead.:)
Darn, I saw the subject and thought you were talking football. But, then again, Bills Win should have been my tip off. They never win. :p
Ya,They do like the Rams did last year,They get to the podium with the trophy,and trip,and break it. :p
I don't know, but it was awsome seeing that red #9 blasting around the outside.
Yep,He was driving like he robbed a liquor store in Atlanta.:p Good job Billy Boy.:)
A couple people were making passes on the outside today, so there must have been some grip up there. At least we didn't hear the phrase "dirty air" this weekend. Good job Bill.
Well Kurt Busch said that Bill was playing Possum on Sunday. He claimed that Bill just hung back and waited till the time was right. He also said that Bill "copied" his Turn one line, which I think is Total BS. And if he did, that racin Kurt. The reason Bill won was because the conditions changed, and Bills car was best in them. Bill said himself that he would have a better shot later in the day, during the rain delay. WTG Bill!
I have no idea about the car and if it was better or he was just biding his time. I do know that when he finally passed Sterling, he made him look like he was standing still. He'd done that earlier (very early) in the race to Ricky Rudd. Whatever the reason, good run for Bill and congratulations on the win. Was nice to see him in victory lane again.
Way to go Awsome Bill! He put a heckuva move on Sterling and then drove it on to the flag. Well-deserving too.:yeehaw:
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