Blonde police officer catches another Blonde speeding...


2014 RF YAHOO CHAMP Your leader
Jun 22, 2011
This pretty blonde girl is cruising the highway in her sports car, going a little too fast, when suddenly she sees flashing blue lights in her rear-view mirror! Yep, it's the cops! Busted!The police officer also happens to be an attractive blonde girl."Can I see your driver's license?" she asks.The blonde girl driver immediately begins looking through her purse, but can't seem to find it."It's square, and it has your picture on it," says the blonde female policewoman.The blonde girl suddenly find a small rectangular mirror in her handbag, pulls it out, and hands it to the officer.The blonde female cop looks at it, and hands it back to the blonde girl driver."I'm sorry, miss. I didn't realize that you were also a police officer."
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