
Oct 30, 2002
NJ to NC to FL
A BLUE NECK is someone living north of the Mason-Dixon line.

You might be a BLUENECK if...

you refer to other people as "youse guys," even if they are women.

You think barbecue is to cook on a gas grill.

You don't have any problems pronouncing "Worcestershire sauce" correctly.

You don't know what a moon pie is.

You've never had an RC Cola. (A what cola?)

You've never, ever eaten okra -- fried, boiled, or pickled.

You think a pickle on a stick for breakfast is disgusting.

You do not find fried baloney sandwiches appealing.

You eat fried chicken with a knife and fork.

You've never seen a live chicken, and the only cows you've seen are
on road trips.

You think "Food Line" (Food Lion) is people standing at the checkout in a grocery store.

You have no idea what a polecat is.

You don't see anything wrong with putting a sweater on your dog.

You don't have bangs.

You would rather have your son become a lawyer than grow up to get
his own TV fishing show.

You drink "Coke" instead of either "Pop" or "Soda".

You've never eaten and don't know how to make a tomato sandwich.

You have never planned your summer vacation around a gun-'n-knife

You think more money should go to scientific research at
your university than to pay the salary of the head football coach. (e.g. Tommy Bowden 1.1 million annual salary at Clemson)

The last time you smiled was when you blocked someone from getting
from the on-ramp onto the beltline.

You don't have any hats in your closet that advertise feed stores.

You call binoculars opera glasses.

You don't know anyone with at least two first names (i.e., Joe Bob,
Faye Ellen, Billy Ray, Mary Jo, Bubba Dean, Joe Dan, Mary Alice)

You don't know any women with male names (i.e., Tommie, Bobbie, Jimmie)

You don't have Maw-maw's & Pawpaw's.

You get freaked out when people on the subway talk to you.

You think it is a hot day when the temperature gets to fifty.

You can't get into Christmas without snow.


I modified some of these from my own experience and by the grace of God, having been born and raied in New Jersey (excuse me, I mean "Noo Joisey") and living in Texas and North Carolina. All wonderful places with lovely people and offering great life experiences. :salute:
Around here, we have a phenomenon called halfbacks. It's people from Michigan etc who started to retire in Florida, couldn't afford it, and moved halfway back. I'm part of a committee to raise funds so they can get the rest of the way back.
Originally posted by 97forever@Dec 4 2003, 05:30 PM
:lol: :lol: BLUENECKS!! Finally Whiz! GREAT job,man!Take that Dee!! ;)
Bite me Clark...

BTW what the heck is a polecat?
Polecats? Charming little southern breed of housecats honey. The cutest things you have ever seen. Be sure and try your local pet store. You have GOT to get one!

Tell 'em Luke Duke sent ya. ;)
Originally posted by DeeDee@Dec 10 2003, 10:40 PM

BTW what the heck is a polecat?
Polecats are specially bred housecats that are raised mostly in the Southern states. They are excellent mousers, very playful, and many are even loyal. They got the name polecat when one of them used to sleep on an old flagpole outside an elementary school while waiting for a little girl to come out and play at recess. If you like cats, you really should look into getting one. They are very inexpensive and you'll love having it.
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