Bob Hope passes away at 100



Legendary Actor Comedian Bob Hope has died at 100, recently he had been in failing health. We'll miss ya Bob ! :(
Just a few stats about Mr. Hope here.

-He was born in England
-He hosted the Oscars, 18 consecutive times; Guiness World Book Record
-In 1997, Congress made him an official veteran of the united states armed forces for his tours with the USO.
-He along with the rest of the USO have entertained troops from World War II to Operation Desert Storm, so thats several decades.
-Always carried a golf club with him when he entertained the troops because of his love for golf.
- Starred in over 149 movies
- Guest Appearance on The Simpsons in 1992

That's a long list of accomplishments. I've heard that Bob Hope would always raise the troop morale whenever he went overseas. He sacrificed every Christmas so he could be with the men and women he admired... our nations soldiers. Very noble indeed.... he was a noble man and a great entertainer. My condolences out to his family and friends.
Bob Hope was about as classy an entertainer as we have ever seen. He spent a great deal of his youth in the Cleveland area, so his passing is pretty big news around here. I have always admired people who take the time to support out troops in action. He was one of a kind. There will never be another like him..... R.I.P. Bob

:salute: :salute:
Maybe It's me but I feel his stuff should be plastered all over tv all day long. after all he is one of the reasons that some of these people make millions. kinda like Earnhardt did for nascar drivers.
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