Bonehead of the week: Indy


Team Owner
Jun 14, 2002
Powell, TN
Lots of candidates thanks to the last race antics. My choice goes to Clint Bowyer who decided to turn left with a car to his inside that triggered the "big one".
I say the clean up crews simply for the reason they took so long on the pile up on the front stretch.

If not for them you gotta wonder if NASCAR would have lined them up for another restart if they weren't trying to beat the dark.

Oh and NASCAR for implementing this dumbass overtime line.

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For keeping this race on the schedule.
For not starting the race earlier and, consequently, being pushed up against sunset due to rain.
For having a crew that takes entirely to long to clean up wrecks.
For spending an hour cleaning up wrecks under red flag to try to prevent the race from ending under caution. Race still ends under caution.
Would have been nice if they would have kept us informed, but jabba and Letard were on a roll

I think Jeff burton has rubbed off quick this season on Steve. Honestly Steve has been pretty good in my opinion but today I caught him channeling a lot of Jeff burton, when Jeff burton did finally give the microphone a chill...
I think Jeff burton has rubbed off quick this season on Steve. Honestly Steve has been pretty good in my opinion but today I caught him channeling a lot of Jeff burton, when Jeff burton did finally give the microphone a chill...
their first couple races I think they read all of the social media and all of them were a lot calmer. Allen wasn't screaming, Jabba and Letard were calm, but now they have reverted back to three screaming idiots all trying to out do each other to hog the mic.
thing that bugs the hell out of me is that they all are projecting into the future all of these scenarios Jabba mostly into the future, and the race hardly ever does what they say, just a bunch of useless babbling
Me for not picking Kasey Kahne in the Pick'em game. :mad:
NBC/SN for pushing these races to start so late so the people who aren't watching in Los Angeles can tune in.
NASCAR for scheduling a race in the East on the same weekend as the British Open. A Western race could have started in the same broadcast windows but started at an earlier local time.
Like I'm a fan of his, but just wow both things he did in the Xfinity race was so....I can't even explained.
I think he made the pit crew highlight reel, this is what can happen to ya, you sure you want to be on a pit crew? And here is the second film titled, when pit stops go wrong.
NASCAR for scheduling a race in the East on the same weekend as the British Open. A Western race could have started in the same broadcast windows but started at an earlier local time.
Oh come on its bad enough nascar needs to schedule around local stuff it doesnt need to schedule around sporting events in Europe
Oh come on its bad enough nascar needs to schedule around local stuff it doesnt need to schedule around sporting events in Europe
If it doesn't want it's Eastern races starting at 3:00, it needs to schedule around whatever Fox and NBC have in their other long-term contracts. You can bet those networks certainly take other sports into account when making their schedules, esp. when those sports have more viewers and produce more revenue.
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