I love short track racing (Taylor's Version)
CNN still nonstop, wall to wall with "BREAKING NEWS" coverage of the Boston Marathon bombings, a week and a half after the fact.
Absolute crap.
Absolute crap.
any more mention a' tha "canine dogs" ? ha!
And you believe that anyone will see a penny of that money? If you do I have some ocean property in Texas for youLast I heard, some millions of dollars had been pledged to pay medical bills for the injured.
one fund boston--$20 millLast I heard, some millions of dollars had been pledged to pay medical bills for the injured.
off topic---any similar fund fer poor volunteer firemen in west, tx ??
fnc has been kickin ass in ratins. 2-3-4x at times.
w/ msnbc an cnn fightin over same group. betcha cnn pulls msnbc lockup prison folks over weekend w/ boston crap---overkill may not be tha pc word ! ha!
hln is its own breed. constant nancy grace ought ta be our new form a' jihad torture !
maybe texas folks get media help next week. hope so.
ha! oreilly is so cheap.....only way he leaves is toes up !
which category will msnbc be makin this super push in ratins ? ha!
total day..or primetime ? p2+...25-54...35-64 ?
or maybe you got a specific show ? chris hayes maybe ? ha!
elizabeth prann is gonna be next big fox host. good lookin AND bright !
I couldn't turn on any ESPN shows for a long time yesterday without them talking about it. I'm kinda happy for him in a way. I don't feel they should be discriminated against for their choices.I see some NBA player has come out of the closet so I'm surprised the media isn't broadcasting from outside his mother's house or something, while the dig through his family's past.
I couldn't turn on any ESPN shows for a long time yesterday without them talking about it. I'm kinda happy for him in a way. I don't feel they should be discriminated against for their choices.