

Staff member
Mar 8, 2002
Murray, Kentucky
Need some info about the Saturn Vue's I am thinking about geting one, i remembered you having one, so i thought id ask you about em.

MPG, room, problems, saftey, cost of driving, and anything else you can think of.

Mine's an '03 with just under 40K miles. They have been slightly downsized since then. MPG ~ 18 city and 24 road. I hadn't had any problems until just recently. The sun roof has started to leak. But, then how many sun roofs don't leak after a while. As to mechanical or anything else, it's been great, but then I try to take better than average care of my vehicles.
I am more than pleased. I'm not small but it fits me very well and is very comfortable on trips. Tho a little noisy. I do have the V6 as 4s seem a little underpowered to me. I'm still on the original tires and everything else except the windshield wipers. Those I've changed twice so far.
It has decent pickup but you won't win many races. It has good stopping power but then I'm a coaster rather than a slammer like you see with so many other people. The back suspension is a little weak if you're planning on hauling anything.
Hope this helps.
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