BREAKING NEWS: Brian Barnhart Out!


I love short track racing (Taylor's Version)
Feb 16, 2009
A short track somewhere
Now this is hope and change I can believe in. Only way it could be better is if Brian France left NASCAR or if Snottie sold the Redskins. But hey, 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
I am no Brian fan, but when was the last time Indy car racing had good leadership.
The kind, that would never allow the 500 their crown jewel, to be tarnished or losing some prestige.

So a troubled Brian Barnhart is gone, well good, but it does not necessarily mean things will get better. Lets just hope, but recent history isn't encouraging.
A long time coming, and another move that proves Randy Bernard is a guy who gets it. Basically cutting the final ties to the George era, which everyone could see plain as day needed to be done for the series to sustain it's growth.

It's too bad that Cotman doesn't appear interested in the job. That's the guy a lot of people wanted in that spot.

Had to be tough for Robin Miller to contain his enthusiasm in that article.
I knew this would be happening but its finally nice to see it done. It's about the only thing Bernard has done right in a long time.
Now this is hope and change I can believe in. Only way it could be better is if Brian France left NASCAR or if Snottie sold the Redskins. But hey, 2 out of 3 ain't bad.

So is Snottie the general manager like Jerry Jones (who loves bringing criminals into camp) is? His taunted going to take the Cowboy's to the Superbowl quarterback Carter is now in prison. Then the guy that ran over someone on the freeway (I-35) doing 120mph and drunk, and a host of other underachievers not to mention Wade (the yes man) Phillips. Plus the worst head coach in Cowboy's history is still coaching (the offensive line coach) why? All Jerry cares about is selling tickets to his new stadium and Cowboy jerseys.
So is Snottie the general manager like Jerry Jones (who loves bringing criminals into camp) is? His taunted going to take the Cowboy's to the Superbowl quarterback Carter is now in prison. Then the guy that ran over someone on the freeway (I-35) doing 120mph and drunk, and a host of other underachievers not to mention Wade (the yes man) Phillips. Plus the worst head coach in Cowboy's history is still coaching (the offensive line coach) why? All Jerry cares about is selling tickets to his new stadium and Cowboy jerseys.

No. Jerry Jones has Lombardis, Snottie will never get one.
This is great news.

I am no Brian fan, but when was the last time Indy car racing had good leadership.
The kind, that would never allow the 500 their crown jewel, to be tarnished or losing some prestige.

So a troubled Brian Barnhart is gone, well good, but it does not necessarily mean things will get better. Lets just hope, but recent history isn't encouraging.

^^^true dat
Indycar Racing was doing just fine before Tony Effen George decided to show the world that he had the bigger "unit". :cool:

Maybe Robin Miller should take the spot! (Talk about turmoil following tragedy...)
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