BREAKING NEWS: Somali pirates hijack the wrong ship!



Don't **** with the USA baby!!! :salute: :beerbang:

Pentagon: U.S. crew in control of hijacked ship

NAIROBI, Kenya - Pentagon officials said Wednesday that the American crew of a U.S.-flagged cargo ship had retaken control from Somali pirates who hijacked the vessel far off the Horn of Africa.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because information was still preliminary. But they said the hijacked crew had apparently contacted the private company that operates the ship.

NBC News reported that none of the American citizens were injured.
The Somali conflict in the early 90's should have taught this country a lesson on nation building. But, it didn't and Bush repeated Clinton's mistake only on a grander scale. Armies are not meant to build nations. They are there to break things and kill people. Once we forget that all hope is lost. Had President Clinton given the green light to do what armies were meant to do perhaps we wouldn't be having these problems now. I like this military analysis.

The United States entered Somalia in December 1992 to stop the imminent starvation of hundreds of thousands of people. Although it succeeded in this mission, the chaotic political situation of that unhappy land bogged down U.S. and allied forces in what became, in effect, a poorly organized United Nations nation-building operation. In a country where the United States, perhaps naively, expected some measure of gratitude for its help, its forces received increasing hostility as they became more deeply embroiled into trying to establish a stable government. The military and diplomatic effort to bring together all the clans and political entities was doomed to failure as each subelement continued to attempt to out-jockey the others for supreme power. The Somali people were the main victims of their own leaders, but forty-two Americans died and dozens more were wounded before the United States and the United Nations capitulated to events and withdrew. American military power had established the conditions for peace in the midst of a famine and civil war, but, unlike later in Bosnia, the factions were not exhausted from the fighting and were not yet willing to stop killing each other and anyone caught in the middle. There was no peace to keep. The American soldier had, as always, done his best under difficult circumstances to perform a complex and often confusing mission. But the best soldiers in the world can only lay the foundation for peace; they cannot create peace itself.

Sounds like it's time for a NAVY vessel or 2 to come open a can of "Whoopass" on someone.
They've got a Navy ship with FBI negotiators within striking distance of the pirates' getaway lifeboat.

Sounds like they're going to give them two option: Hand him over, go to jail and live or try to harm him and take your chances with death.
For all practical purposes the capt is dead. Blow the sob's outa the water.

Put a squad of Marines on every American flagged ship in that area and charge the shipping company for their 'services'. Anyone who sticks his or her head above the rail gets it blown off,,simple.

I shoulda been a diplomat.:rolleyes:
For all practical purposes the capt is dead.
It sounds like they've got them within sight and can see everything that's going on. The pirates, they believe, are headed to a mothership. If that's the case, we should follow them there and blow **** up! :whoopee:

MSNBC reports the lifeboat is out of fuel.
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