broke another spring


Admin & Resident Techie
Staff member
Oct 18, 2005
Ft Worth Tx
Was practicing racing on my game, and broke another shifter spring. It was on an unrecorded run, but i'll post a recorded run tomorrow. I'm not sure if i have any more of these dang things left!
I take that back. The spring is in 1 piece. What it's attached to (or supposed to be) is not.
well, pretty much, i'm on my last line. I've broken 3 springs, 2 upper and one lower, one collar is broke now...It's getting to that time for me to get the lew logitech one that has 3 turns lock to lock, built in clutch pedal, and H pattern shifter.

If i break this last collar or another top spring, this one's done, the shifter at least.

I just remembered while re-assembling it, A corner of the gas pedal is broke off, and i've broke the physical shifter into 2 pieces before..there's a bolt inide that kept everything contained, but barely. I'd say i've got my money's worth out of it.
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