Broken tape



so I won't get to see the banquet. I couldn't watch live so I set the timed recording but it quit after 5 seconds.

Anyone have a copy? If you'll PM me I'll be happy to pay for postage and tape.
I'm sure some did, and there are a bunch of friends who will be happy to help. PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR smiley, Kat
Alaska, I just saw that NBC will have a re-run(sort of) tomorrow afternoon at 1PM Eastern. Since it's only an hour, you won't have to sit through the horrible music (hopefully).
Originally posted by TexasRaceLady
Alaska, I just saw that NBC will have a re-run(sort of) tomorrow afternoon at 1PM Eastern. Since it's only an hour, you won't have to sit through the horrible music (hopefully).

Actually TRL, I did like SOME of the music. Loved that show and thanks for letting us know about tomorrow :)
Thanks, TRL says it will be a one hour condensed version which is better than a poke in the eye but I'd still like to see the whole show if anyone has a tape.

Thanks for the heads up. On here at 9AM.:)
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