Bush to Give Saddam Final Ultimatum

Is war with Iraq hours or days away?

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(AP) - Abandoning diplomacy, President Bush gave Saddam Hussein a final ultimatum Monday to leave Iraq or face a U.S.-led war. Bush planned a White House address at 8 p.m. EST to explain his decision. "He will say that to avoid military conflict Saddam Hussein must leave the country," spokesman Ari Fleischer said. The White House scheduled the address after U.S. and British diplomats announced at the United Nations that there would not be a vote on their resolution to give Saddam an ultimatum or face war. More...
Saddam isn't going to leave. We have hundreds of thousands of troops over there. It's just a matter of time, and the time is very near.

God Bless those who stand in harm's way. May they all return home safely.
I am pretty sure that war is going to happen real soon :angry:
I hope that there is as little death/destruction as possible and that our troops get home as soon as possble.
All i have to say is Sadam had many chances to get his act together and he didn't. Now he suffers the consequences....WAR! :dual9mm:
BUsh gave saddam way too much time to build his defenses, not that it matters though. He's going down. :dual9mm:
Let me ask this... how big does Bush think he is? I mean, demanding Saddam and his sons leave Iraq in 48 hours is just an outrage. He doesn't know what he is getting himself into... but my personal opinion, he is just doing this so he'll win the election next year.. cause nobody else is wanting to be apart of this mess he's created..

God Bless our Troops, and all that is in harms way..
I kept holding out hope that we wouldn't have to go to war. Now, it appears to be inevitable. God bless our servicemen and women, and let's hope that this will end as soon as possible, with as few lives lost as possible.
Originally posted by bud_stud@Mar 18 2003, 03:26 AM
Let me ask this... how big does Bush think he is? I mean, demanding Saddam and his sons leave Iraq in 48 hours is just an outrage. He doesn't know what he is getting himself into... but my personal opinion, he is just doing this so he'll win the election next year.. cause nobody else is wanting to be apart of this mess he's created..

God Bless our Troops, and all that is in harms way..
If you really think Bush would cause the deaths of our servicepeople just to get reelected, you must have been drinking a little too much of that Bud. Or smoking a different kind of "bud". You seem to have him mixed up with Klinton.
Originally posted by bud_stud@Mar 17 2003, 10:26 PM
cause nobody else is wanting to be apart of this mess he's created..

God Bless our Troops, and all that is in harms way..
I think Bush is about knee-deep in several messes that Klinton started.......
bud_stud...listing the events that have lead up to this over the past 12 years...please detail how this is Bush's responsibility. Please state specific actions done by Bush that make you feel this is his responsibility.
I don't know why people think its his fault, this was a time bomb waiting to happen. I am glad we got bush instead of that pansy Gore. Gore would have hid in a corner like a wiped dog after 9/11. I am proud of Bush and I thought Sudom needed to be taken out 24 years ago but his daddy backed off and didn't finish the job. If you want to blam someone try blaming his dad, but I don't know how far that would get you eather.
I don't agree that it is about reelection. But I do think there has got to be a part of Bush that just wants to finish what his dad didn't.
It doesn't have anything to do with reelection cause if that was the case, Bush would lay down like Clinton did. Have you seen his potenial opponents?

As for his dad. That is unfound and tired. Played out. Let's think of a new one. ;)

Maybe some of you forgot 9-11? I know there are other reasons but this Saddam crap has been going on for too long. I'm glad our President and country who supports him along with the military has some balls to take a stand. Funny how the French and others are now changing their tune.
All I have to say is, this would qualify as one of the biggest willful roles of the dice by any president in history. No one can really say Bush is doing this solely to get re-elected; he is betting his entire political career on this war in Iraq. If it works, he'll be hailed throughout the country; if it "bombs", you likely won't hear a peep from him again.
Originally posted by stridsberry@Mar 18 2003, 07:15 PM
If it works, he'll be hailed throughout the country; if it "bombs", you likely won't hear a peep from him again.
Yeah. If it doesn't work, people will blame him for all the problems including those created or ignored by previous Presidents. I give the man credit for taking a stance. Nice to have a President who has balls.
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