BUSTED! And sentenced ....

Only to some is it a non-story. To others, it is the end of a slap to New Jersey and the New Jersey State Police, one of the most highly respected state police organizations in the U.S. of A.
Actions and consequences proving no one is above the law are always a story.
Even the story of Kwame Kilpatrick, former Detroit Mayor, now a convicted Michigan felon facing 20 years in prison. OMMV.
An open and shut case of incomptence:
Pretty stupid to use black electical tape to alter the tags, stolen plates would have been more incognito.
An open and shut case of incomptence:
Pretty stupid to use black electical tape to alter the tags, stolen plates would have been more incognito.

Tags on NJ Troop cars are on front and rear and begin with the letters, SP but still, pretty stupid to use electrical tape. I hate they gave the entire organization (founded by the father of Four Star General Norman Schwartzkopf) a black eye for their stupidity but at least the hierarchy within the state police organization stood tall and made it public. Covering it up would only foster more idiotic behavior. Notice how much those troopers were paid when they lost their job! :flushed: And for what? :idunno:
Stupid,stupid,stupid. Throw away a 26 year career and possibly his pension for what?
Non-story? I don't think so, these are the people we trust to safe guard us, not endanger us with a stunt like this.
Stupid crap like this by stupid people, police officers or not, happen all over america every day, to me in the broader scope of things its a very small or non story.
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