Bye bye Maryland

Good deal. I take it you got a job down there too? Or did you retire and decide to go down there and play shuffleboard?:D
Oh no! This means he's going to complain about the weather even more! Especially during hurricane season. ;)

Good luck on the move.
Moving to South Florida in December:beerbang::beerbang:

Good for you man! :beerbang:

I'm glad you are getting a chance to start over. I've wanted to move somewhere totally different for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately, the wife has no interest in that at all. I almost had her convinced to move to Oklahoma a few months ago since her sister lives there, but she finally decided not to again.

I wouldn't care to live in Florida myself. But it sounds like you are really fed up with Maryland, so it will at least be a whole new set of dislikes. I hate bugs, especially flying ****roaches, excuse me, Palmetto Bugs, sorry. :rolleyes: . But then I'm sure I'd get used to it and it would probably beat the hell out of shoveling snow. Hot and humid with afternoon rain showers would seem to get boring after a while, but cold and wet chills me to the bone.
Congrats on the move. I'd totally love it until about June - September, give or take a month. The key is to moving somewhere where there is always a breeze off ot the ocean. It makes it way more liveable than just hot&humid & buggy all the time.
I've wanted to move somewhere totally different for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately, the wife has no interest in that at all.
i can relate to this. always liked moving to *new* places when i was single. got married and it all changed. :( not complaining about marriage, on balance it's good, but it sure restricted my moving around ability.
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