Calling it a night!


Staff member
Jun 14, 2002
Burleson, TX
Folks, it's been quite a day. Having to get up way too early, son has to be at school for two-a-day football practice at 6:15am (usually still snoozing at that time of morning!). The weather is starting to take a turn for the worst, so I think I'll just say this..........

Good night my forum friends! Have a great nite, and keep 97forever and his family in your prayers.

See you on the flip side! :owned:

Maj. :)
It also has been quite a day!
Spent today watching my 6 year old cousin! we spent the whole day outside running around plaing softball. Then once all the balls were over the fence we started to play kickball in the front yard. Played hide-n-nseek, flew paper airplanes, checkars, tic-tac-toe, colored and much more. I don't think I have done that much in a long time! SInce none of the big kids will be around tommorrow for there first day of school, it will be movie day!

When she left I had to take my sister out to look for her last bit of school supplies. I swear it took her 20 minuted to pick out a stinking trapper kepper. Got hom made dinner did dishs, looked up some NASCAR items for my mom's Pawn shop and here I am!
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