

Chris Wheeler

Can anyone tell me how I become a Cameraman for Nascar?
Can anyone tell me how I become a Cameraman for Nascar?
First, welcome to Racing Forums.

I don't think you can become a cameraman for NASCAR itself. Cameramen for race coverage are employed by the television networks, not by NASCAR. With that fact out of the way, everything else I'm about to say is pure speculation.

I suspect it's like anything else, you have to start at the bottom. When I was in school many moons ago before the white man first came to this land, we had 'Audio / Visual' clubs that let students get some experience in production environments. If you're still in school, see if there is a theater department or (if you're really lucky) an in-house TV closed-circuit system. Outside of that, see if there's a local theater company that records and streams productions.

Get a decent video camera; NOT that piece of junk in your phone, but something actually designed for and dedicated to video work. Film local stuff - Little League, Pop Warner, the local short track, etc. Record sporting events from TV or watch streamed highlight shows. Pay attention to shots that impress you; see if you can figure out how the cameraman captured the image in such a way that it gave you the favorable impression. Try to incorporate those techniques in your own work. Start building a portfolio. There are sites for everything on the web; I've never looked for a site for people wanting to improve their video skills but I guarantee there's one out there. On-line video sharing services make it easier to get productive feedback than in the pre-Internet days.

Do your local television stations cover high school or college sports? E-mail the sports department and ask if you can talk to one of their cameramen or women. Local sports are going to be your next step. Try to get on with a network affiliate, since that will give you better access to a shot with the network itself.

We have a few members here associated with the racing media. Maybe they can give more constructive feedback than my general principles.

Oh, and I'm not sure what's driving your interest, but many of the jobs involved in covering big-time sports are often lousy ways to watch the sport itself.
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my question.
I am going to be graduating with an Associate Degree in Applied Science-Media Arts Production on May 6th of this year. I have never been in any school audio/video clubs. I did however have to do an internship. I did mine as a camerman for the South Carolina Stingrays Hockey team. A very fun experience, I might add.
I have been working for a local Tv news station as a Part-time Production Assistant operating the studio cameras and teleprompter for the evening newscast for almost two years now. I am hoping to get a fulltime photojournalist job with this same station by the end of May. I have already went out and shot several events, including hockey and football for the station.
I have read that Nascar doesn't hire cameramen directly. That they are freelanced out by tv networks like Fox and NBC.
I think I need to get on as a fulltime Photojournalist as soon as possible and start really shooting then save up some money and buy my own camera and go out and shoot local sports, etc. After a couple years I will really try to get on with Fox Sports or NBC Sports.
Thanks again for your feedback.
The Stingrays? Heck, you're right in my backyard. I'm over in Lexington.

Sounds like I didn't tell you anything you didn't already know. Your first post was kinda vague. If you post your question in other places, be sure to include as much information as you did in your second post.

Again, hopefully one of the members here who is with the media can add some useful comments. Either way, good luck!
Thanks for the advice. This is my first time posting in a forum. I will get better at this. :)
Thanks for the advice. This is my first time posting in a forum. I will get better at this. :)
In any kind of forum???

Provide as many details as possible. Tell people what experiences you've had or problem-solving steps you've tried.
If you ask for opinions on a topic, include your own opinion in your post.
Use a title that provides a brief summary of your topic, not lame titles like 'NEED HELP!' that don't tell potential readers what you want to discuss.
If you don't already know, using ALL CAPITAL LETTERS is the online equivalent of shouting. Use them sparingly.
Don't waste your time or peace of mind on trolls. "Haters gonna hate." I dislike the expression but there's truth to it.
Thank people, or at least look for a 'Like' button.
Try to overlook spelling and grammar errors.
Don't invoke Adolf Hitler's name in a debate; it's considered an automatic win for the other guy.
Try to stay on topic.
If emoticons or emoji ("smiley faces") are available, use them to indicate tone of voice, sarcasm, etc. (like you did in your last post!).
Yes sir. Thanks for the added advice. :)
Oh, and don't assume someone else's gender based on their alias, especially forums with an international membership (like this one). I knew a male French Canadian named Jaqui on another forum.
Don't assume based on avatars either, especially on sites where members may be fans of famous people. Here we have female fans of male drivers who use the driver's image as an avatar, and vice versa.
First, welcome to Racing Forums.

I don't think you can become a cameraman for NASCAR itself. Cameramen for race coverage are employed by the television networks,.
Its depends , all then production work for the races is not done by the networks themselves , but via production companys the networks hire , many of the cameramen are employed by the production company's, FOX and NBC are both using Game Creek Video, fun fact, Game Creek owns the Hollywood Hotel not FOX . ESPN used NEP Productions, NEP owned the ESPN Pit Studio , and that was an exclusive unit built for Disney for ABC News and ESPN NASCAR to use.

Here you can see the trucks that GCV uses for NASCAR , and the Hollywood Hotel, you have to click on FX
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