Camrys in Cup? Toyota expected to join NASCAR's big league in '07



From Auto Weeks website:

Camrys in Cup? Toyota expected to join NASCAR's big league in '07

While it’s years from an official announcement, we have word that an agreement has been reached between Toyota and NASCAR for Toyota to race in Winston Cup in 2007. That’ll be three years after it starts in Craftsman Truck in 2004.
Toyota engineers are working on the carbureted V8. It’s still on the computer at this point, but will soon come to three-dimensional form. One problem with the engine is casting it in iron. Most Toyota blocks are aluminum alloy, but engineers found a Toyota facility in Japan that still casts in iron.

The Craftsman entry will feature a Tundra body and the Cup car will be a Camry, “whatever the Camry will look like then,” Toyota sources said
OK by me. After all there are now drivers from other countries and Nascar should become an internationally appreciated sport.

Why not run a few exhibition races in other countries as well? I know it's expensive to transport all the equipment and personnel, but it would be a big hit in other countries.
This argument has been done to death, so let's be very careful where we tread here because it will be closed if people start with their bigoted remarks.
Originally posted by kat2220
OK by me. After all there are now drivers from other countries and Nascar should become an internationally appreciated sport.

Why not run a few exhibition races in other countries as well? I know it's expensive to transport all the equipment and personnel, but it would be a big hit in other countries.

Agreed with that. I know that when I first heard about Toyota or Honda coming into NASCAR I was pretty upset. But I realized that even "American" cars aren't built in the United States any more. I still think the exhibition races are a good idea, but I have mixed emotions on points races over seas.
The only thing I am worried about is the fact that Toyota and Honda could do alot of talkign with there money and get more than a couple point races overseas. The IRL is going overseas this year, and what was started to be an all american seris turns out to be going away from there concept from 1996. AS long as NASCAR does not turn into a CART type of seris I will be ok with Toyota and Honda if the chose(you know they will since Toyota is in NASCAR)to join NASCAR.

BUT IMO any manufacture is welcome
Basically with this common template, the only thing different about the cars are the engines, decals and a few other things. It should be easier for other manufactures to join NASCAR. I wouldn't mind seeing races over in other countries but I think the majority of the races should be in the United States.
I would love to see an Impreza in NASCAR, but that would be kinda wierd. A two door rear wheel drive Impreza will never happen. I think Subaru will stick to Rally type racing.
I have no problems with Japanese or any other makes of cars racing in NASCAR. In fact, I think it would fun.:)
There was a time when I felt that the only makes of cars I wanted to see on the NASCAR tracks where the traditional American cars. However, then there were many different makes of American cars that aren't there today. I longed for Chrysler to get back into the sport even though I was never a fan of Chrysler. The more competition, the better the sport is. The only draw back for me is common templates. To me, making all the cars look the same just doesn't make it. But they want the sport to be close and that means making all the cars the same.
I'm having a hard time picturing a Beetle with an 800 hp engine in it!!:D
Plus it would be hard making a beetle the shape of a Taurus.
Originally posted by bud_stud
Whats next?   the Beetle makes its debut in NASCAR in 2010?

Bud Stud, believe it or not, we have a guy who drives a beetle at the local track and wins with it. It's funny to watch that bug race with the other cars, but it does and very well.
haha, there is some here that races em.. but the usually end up in the pits by the 10th lap.
I wonder if we will see a Hummer in the truck series then...
I think they will make a good addition to the sport. 2007 is a long way off, though!
i think it will be cool for toyota to get in the sport. but i think they need more races on the west coast before they start going overseas
other than the logos, the cars aren't much different anymore. It probably wouldn't be a bad idea if Nascar made each team use common templates for the body of the car and put their marquee on the front. What matters is the motor inside the car.
Seems to me the IRL is doing just fine these days. Cart is struggling ,but still going. Toyota in Nascar is a good thing, the more makes the better. Just think how pissed off Ford or GM would be if Toyota won the championship. It would be good for the sport to have more competition. The cars are made here in america and like some one said before they aren't the #1 selling car for nothing!
The USA and North Korea allies?

Has everyone overlooked the fact that all of the foreign manufacturers who are selling cars in this country are also establishing dealer networks, national parts, service and sales networks which are creating good paying jobs to replace those which the UAW and its memberships' greed have been driving those "so-called" American manufacturers to take to Mexico, Canada, and South American countries?
Those dealer networks are not foreign owned or operated; those are American companies, independently owned, operated, and paying American workers; investing their profits right back into the American economy.

Just one more note on this subject of foriegn cars in NASCAR: a foriegn car is credited with a Grand National win back in the 1950's and Volkswagen beetles have been raced in that division before. Toyota has been involved with the Goody's Dash Series for several years now and doing quite well against the American manufacturers.

Before you all laugh too much about VW, you might want to see what holds the current speed record for a 24 hour endurance run as well as what is doing pretty well in International Rally Events. (Race cars based on real stock cars which are modified for racing. Not purpose built by hand like some series we could mention here.)
We won't even talk about VW's record on the midget circuit over the last 25 years. They're sort of outdated now, but still pull down wins once in awhile.

To close with a little trivia: What automobile manufacturer was the first to establish an official relationship with NASCAR?
Toyota joined the NHRA ranks this year and did well. So I don't see a problem with them in NASCAR.

Have you ever looked at the final assembly point of passenger vehicles sold in the United States and the percentage of parts (by value) installed in those vehicles according to their country of origin?
DuPep, I believe you're going a little overboard on this. I don't imagine those people, thousands of them, right here in the good old US of A would agree with you either. You might want to check out the various things in your house and you'll be surprised at how many of them are made by foreign owned companies. I wonder if you know that Amoco (American Oil Company) is actually owned by BP (British Petroleum). Got a TV? Where's it made? And, what kind of American car do you own? Could it be one that is actually made in Canada or Mexico? Inquiring minds want to know.
Bring them on. What is to be feared? Like boB has pointed out, it's not the first time...won't be the last.

GO racing!
DuPep_24, other companys selling over here gets us more money actually, they have to pay taxes just like any other company plus they employ people. Most american car companys ( GM AND FORD) have alot of cars being made in other countrys. They go to countrys where they can pay there workers less money for more work. I think last time I checked ford now has more vehicles made outside the us then in it now. nascar haveing tracks in other countries would bring more money as well, not only would it get more fans that might go to tracks over here. Alot of the money from the gear and tickets bought over there would go to nascar.
Dupep get your facts straight dude,N.Korea has never been our friend. As for the Japanese ,sure they have become a huge part of our culture so has China. You can't escape the fact that a lot of american companies choose to establish their plants in these countries a produce products for america. Toyota, Honda....ect supply jobs in this country to Americans, so what if they are a foreign based company. It is like you are prejudice towards them coming into this sport. Isn't this country based on freedom? Let them come in it will be good for the sport.
One question for you DePep...does Ford own part of Mazda, or does Mazda own part of Ford? If it's the former, would you consider Mazda a Japanese car? If it's the later, would you consider Ford an American car? Durn, these are getting easier and easier. :)
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