can someone make me a avator


Staff member
Mar 8, 2002
Murray, Kentucky
can some on make me a avator (i know i miss spelled that) with a 11 back ground. black back ground with white letters, or off the 11 hooters car. thanks for your help

Nick :p
Lap3, did you take care of Zoe's avatar yet?? I kinda like "wrinkles" in the gym. hehehe
Thanks Park :) looks grate :satisfied

Kat i told her to take Bours (or how ever you spell it) because she said i would loose if i took him:p
ok ok i now have boris as my avatar but lappy ur gettin pdiddy next week if i have nethin to do w/ it
Originally posted by 66mustang
Could you make me a ford racing one?

What?! And contaminate my computer with a blue oval?

Just kidding, 66mustang. :) I'll work on one for you.
would it be possible for someone to come up with an av that has an eagle with the word freedomfighter in it. preferably a mean looking eagle. if it is possible, i would be very thankful:)

oh, the words can be over top of the eagle, that would still be cool
Originally posted by judas1
would it be possible for someone to come up with an av that has an eagle with the word freedomfighter  in it. preferably a mean looking eagle. if it is possible, i would be very thankful:)

oh, the words can be over top of the eagle, that would still be cool

My cheapie photo editor doesn't have any way to add text. But this is one mean Eagle!!:D

Not the feathered kind but I think it classifies as "a mean looking eagle". Take it if you want.
thanks, someone is using that one already, i'll keep lookin. or if you come across something, let me know:myob:
thanks again:D
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