Can the whole state of texas


Admin & Resident Techie
Staff member
Oct 18, 2005
Ft Worth Tx
between 94 and 100 degrees of longitude just be declared a giant flood zone? This is getting church last night my youth pastor said the total for gainesville residential wise was 302 houses, 50 of which were off their foundation. And now austin, houston, the metroplex, and now some areas out toward witchita falls are flooding too... They've got 3 of 4 flood gates open on possum kingdom lake and that's flooding the brazos through the horseshoe area.
A lot of places go through that each year. Just so happens that your area is getting hammered this year...Sorry to hear it for you guys. Hope the gov't is going to help you out when it's over.
I looked at the forecast for Beaumont, TX as I used to live there. They show a good possibility of rain for the next 5 days. You guys should stop dancing and maybe the rain will leave and go elsewhere.
It's all Bush's fault. I don't know what y'all did, just as I don't know what NOLA did when he created Katrina and steered it towards them, but it must have been something bad seeing as how this is his home state and all...
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