Well..... you know how it goes sometimes. Have an adult neice living with us while her husband serves our country. She is expert at messing up the puter. I've been thru 3 formats in two months, and I do have Norton, Ad-aware,Zonealarm, Go-back, etc. I also have never learned the art of backing up the system. I built it, rebuilt it, added to it, added even more and still get it so whacked the easy way to fix it is reformating.
Add in my business, Sheriffs dept, growing new business, the chickens, the fleet, the homestead,and most important, the family, I be a busy boy. But I'm learning as I go,I've made a floppy with all my favorites on it so at least I can find all of the free apps I use again.
I'm building a quad chip machine from server my sis-in-law gave me when her office upgraded theirs. I actually have the entire 12 machine network set up in the garage working properly (sort of). Networking is hard to learn hands on style. Try something, run in the house, kick off whoever is on puter, search net for solution, scribble notes or make CR ROM of app or put notes in a word document, run outside, try it, decipher scribbled notes, get mad , go to bed, mess with it in a few days. When I get the server working the way I want I'm going to use it as my box and setup the rest , one for each resident in their own rooms, with mine as the main net connection and main memory bank. That way if they manage to mess theirs up they have another machine close by to kick off whoever is on puter, search net for solution, scribble notes or make CR ROM of app or put notes in a word document, run outside, try it, decipher scribbled notes, get mad , go to bed, mess with it in a few days...........